

Arrrrgh. First plant is flowering, second one is in seedling stage and dozens of little flying bugs have shown up!

Here's a really bad picture of the kind of bug I'm talking about - they seem to be black/brown with wings though I usually see them running around in the soil. I need to kill these bastards ASAP - what do I use to kill them?


I've tried catching one of the bastards and putting it in a glass, but...I'm old and slow. Apparently.


Well-Known Member
looks to be fungus nats. i had thrips sneak up on me this last week and i hit them with some Monterey insect spray with spinosad and thats all it took will apply once more and that should be it till they pop up again.


Well-Known Member
I as well used the Monteray spray with Spinosad, haven't seen a fungus gnat since...good stuff, recently sprayed down my outside garden and yard with it too.


Active Member
i had them bastards living all over my last grow they were trying to take dat bitch over so 1 thing is yellow sticky traps they love to die on those anothere thing is the brown vinegar not the white clear vinegar the brown syrup colored vinegar i thinks it balsamic but sit a litttle container that stuff on the soil and the bodies willl pile up in their.and the last thing i did was use hydrogen peroxide i accidently overdosed and used like 1/4th h202 mixed in water which was way to much it stressed the hell ou tmy plant and turned some of the leaves brown but it actually killed all them nats they were gone a week or two later all gone and i had alot of them bitches use like 1/10th or 1/20th h202 in your water it should do the job


Ok, I threw about an inch of river sand on top of the soil and patted it down nicely. Then used some gnat off to kill the ones flying around - fingers crossed it'll work!

Just for verification sake, I snapped a few pictures of them (They move slower when they're dying :-P).