

im growing an outdoor plant in a pot and its about 2 and half feet tall now with little. bud on it. is there any bug prevention that i can use before i encounter any bugs or catepillars??


Active Member
Yes, take one whole garlic bulb, two yellow onions and one large jalapeno pepper. Take the garlic and peel the individual cloves, dice the onion and jalapeno. Blend together with 3 cups spring water. Get a two gallon plastic paint bucket with lid and pour the contents from your blender into the bucket. Fill the rest of the bucket with spring water. Let set for 48 hours. All the solid material should drop to the bottom. Carefully fill up a good quality sprayer with the liquid. Soak your leaves top and underside. Do this about every 4 days. The bugs hate it, keeps the leaves clean, and won't affect your finished product. Do NOT use on buds! This can cause rot.