Bugs, Mites, cloning


Well-Known Member
Ok let's say a plant is potted in a soil mixture(big mistake) and
suffering a insect infestation (like whiteflies, afids, and mites).
What if the plant was treated with the appropriate
pesticides to clear up the bug problem and a section
of that plant is cloned while the plant
is still healthy. So after the clone(s) get some roots,
treat once more with sprays, etc.
That will clear up the bug problem right?

* The things I say in this forum are COMPLETELY FICTIONAL. *


Well-Known Member
loook around in the forum, go to a site look for organic sprays, or get BUGvsBUG method they do the best job with no chemicals... but look around this site and do your research before you post topics that have been covered.


Well-Known Member
I don't recall seeing anything as specific as this though.
Basically cloning from the soil plant to leave the bugs behind
by putting it in rockwool in a clean environment.
Then throwing the soil plant away. That's
what I'm driving at. I'm on a very limited budget
so that's why I am asking.

For veg I'm running three, four foot shoplights with two 40watt
coolwhites in each fixture for a total of 240watts.

For flower I'm using a Hydrofarm 430 watt HPS ballast and
reflector with the Eye Hortilux 430EN bulb. :mrgreen: :joint:

* Anything i say in this forum is FICTION. *


Well-Known Member
If you have bugs get rid of them. Cloning and spraying will probably work, but if you spray the original plant twice you will get the same result for that plant. Why get rid of it?


Well-Known Member
Well, the soil plants have mealybugs...... :evil:
Right now they are three weeks old. I'm hoping
I can buy some time to get them old enough to take
cuttings with. If it fails I'm ass out! It's really
a serious emergency if u know what I mean..

Yeah pretty bad. Any suggestions?

* Anything I say in this forum is totaly FICTIONAL. *


Well-Known Member
Well they didn't make it unfortunately. So
I guess I'm out of luck. I cannot get
seeds anywhere nor any bud to smoke!
Oh well looks like I quit smoking weed...
Whatever those bugs were totally killed them.
May they R.I.P. :cry:

*Anything I post in this forum is TOTALLY FICTIONAL*


Well-Known Member
you should try some "tobacco-tea" and spray your plants and soil with that;) nicotine kills almost all bugs there are (maybe not the once going for tobacco plants but how should they end up in your grow-room?;)) :)

all you need is boiling water and some tobacco, let this mix sit for an hour and filter it of then, now your are ready to spray. if you don't want to buy extra tobacco for this, buds may just be fine too;)


New Member
you should try some "tobacco-tea" and spray your plants and soil with that;) nicotine kills almost all bugs there are (maybe not the once going for tobacco plants but how should they end up in your grow-room?;)) :)

all you need is boiling water and some tobacco, let this mix sit for an hour and filter it of then, now your are ready to spray. if you don't want to buy extra tobacco for this, buds may just be fine too;)
I have never personaly tried this tea method but I would be very carefull about putting tobacoo on my plants cause I know if I were to hand roll a cigarette and touch my leaves without washing my hands first the leaf I touched would be dead if a couple of hours. Tobacoo is toxic or at least hand rolling and not washing your hands before handling the ladies, is!


Well-Known Member
I have never personaly tried this tea method but I would be very carefull about putting tobacoo on my plants cause I know if I were to hand roll a cigarette and touch my leaves without washing my hands first the leaf I touched would be dead if a couple of hours. Tobacoo is toxic or at least hand rolling and not washing your hands before handling the ladies, is!
nicotine is a neurotoxin, so it affects the nerves of mammals an insects, it doesn't affect plants!
what ever killed your plants wasn't the nicotine, it must have been something else in those cigarettes you smoked or something totally different. it wasn't the nicotine for sure. i use this method for years on all my plants from flowers to tomatoes to weed, it never killed a plant nor did it with with my mothers plant and she showed me the trick since it had worked for years with her plants, okay:roll: it is one of the oldest and best insecticides known to man, copy that!:twisted:
buy some good tobacco with out any additives and your plants will flower again and the bugs gone die:twisted: