Bug porno


New Member
Two flies landed on my patio window the other day and started getting it on. I documented the act of love for everyone's enjoyment.

Innocent act of love? Or is this a more sinister attempt to overtake our population and then have sex with our women and children? Discuss.




Hey hey hey... bugs need love, too. Let them do their thang :hump:


New Member
There needs to be a public ordinance that addresses the issue of Public Bug Fornication. I am going to the mayor on this one.


~ Out-Dawrz ~ Moderator ~
I to have had the same problem,

right in front of my face one day while in my garden so I had to get a shot of it.

No self respect what so ever in those flies. :shock:



Active Member
Swat them motherfuckers ,flying on shit and landing on your sandwich ,1 of their fly descendants might be the fly that carry the virus that kills us all and you could have stopped it but instead you watch them dirty motherfuckers breed and worse you took a picture of it ,the conception of the killer fly


Well-Known Member
Swat them motherfuckers ,flying on shit and landing on your sandwich ,1 of their fly descendants might be the fly that carry the virus that kills us all and you could have stopped it but instead you watch them dirty motherfuckers breed and worse you took a picture of it ,the conception of the killer fly

This was always my fav. pic of bug porno... how the cameraman found the perfect instant to take the photo of the bug fucking, and waving at the camera is just amazing... LOL

"Hey guys! Come on and join in!"
