Bug bites or nute burn?


Well-Known Member
Hello growers
I have some vegging plants that seem to have an issue. The cross is rs11 x gold cash gold. There's 15 in total but 2 of them have an issue. It appears as if 2 are inflicted with either bug bites or some other issue. Looks like a snail or something is munching on them but upon further inspection I couldn't find a culprit. If anyone has a clue please chime in.20230530_001519.jpg20230530_001525.jpg20230530_001533.jpg20230530_001540.jpg
thats deff chewd out of the leaf, those tiny white bits wouldent be there otherwise. , do you have leafcutter bees in your area?
i wouldent worry about it too much though, if you have a small uv torch, you can go look at night time, they fluress butifully