buffered coco


Active Member
my plants are 13 days old. should I plant it immediately in the coco I buffered yesterday? or should I do nitrogen fertilizer irrigation before planting?
I buffer for two reaons, it helps growers here rule that out as potential plant problem and lastly, all brick coco needs rinsing anyway to avoid water log which is 3 times more work than buffering. Very dusty.

Otherwise, some people don’t do either and do just fine. I read coco came a long way and is good to use right away if marketed so.

No need to do anything really. Just plant it and start feeding as normal. Seedlings like low EC but after day 7, it can go up to 1.5 EC total, no issues.

Otherwise, the only pre irrigation needed is to lower the EC with plain water since buffering solution is at 2.0 EC, to wash off some residue in one or two flushes. Done and ready to use. First few feeds will flush it out anyway.
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the plants I'm going to plant are 13 days old, so I asked if I could give fertilizer.

From moment of sprout they get nutes. Your question was can I waste nutes that flush out immediately upon feeding. coco can go from 2.0 EC to 0 EC in two or three flushes of 1 gallon water. Its like a highway, soil, nutes hang around. Sorry to be blunt but that is what your question is asking.
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I don’t agree with it, preirrigating does nothing due to what I said. I transplant day 7 to final and then feed normally, coco is pre charged, tap water has micros that will give coco something to snatch throughout time while nutes just have more of it for the plant.

Only pre irrigating I do is for the solo cup 0 EC or .2 EC with distilled or bottled water. Final container, same thing until runoff reads .5 or your normal tap EC. Only time I use my EC meter. groline was great to me going on 2 years.

Never had to supplement calmg yet.

Only time coco hijacks is it you aren’t feeding enough or frequent enough. Big pots, light feed, less times a day and vice versa.
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I don’t agree with it, preirrigating does nothing due to what I said. I transplant day 7 to final and then feed normally, coco is pre charged, tap water has micros that will give coco something to snatch throughout time while nutes just have more of it for the plant.

Only time coco hijacks is it you aren’t feeding enough or frequent enough. Big pots, light feed, less times a day and vice versa.
Depends on the coco. Cyco will cause your plants to go yellow real quick due to lack of mag
Depends on the coco. Cyco will cause your plants to go yellow real quick due to lack of mag

That is why I buffer, twice, 8 hours each. I read enough posts hidden around that are key, when they say to rinse and buffer, that was when coco sucked 10-20 years ago. Now days at the least you just rinse the dust and buffer, IF you even have to. I buffer to rule that out from the start.

Last batch I prepared was brick & top tier and seemed like I just wasted my time. Again, still should rinse so you get the best media possible, real coarse with pinch of pearlite for best aeration and control of what flys through it daily, twice at some point minimally.

Love to brag about my media hehe, I like big plants in big pots full of sterile, clean & coarse coco.
I have been using Tupur by Royal Gold because my Mother Earth Coco/Perlite is out of stock.. I noticed it's veryyyy calmag hungry at first. When I do transplants their first soaking is with very strong calmag solution. Mother Earth brand definitely buffers their coco better than Royal Gold Tupur.

Others may have different results but I transplanted and gave normal 1.6 EC feed and they had rusting and yellow window paning on leaves.

Tupur in my experience holds pH value longer than coco/perlite. Probably due to other stuff in it.

p.s I use RO water.
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I have been using Tupur by Royal Gold because my Mother Earth Coco/Perlite is out of stock.. I noticed it's veryyyy calmag hungry at first. When I do transplants their first soaking is with very strong calmag solution. Mother Earth brand definitely buffers their coco better than Royal Gold Tupur.

Others may have different results but I transplanted and gave normal 1.6 EC feed and they had rusting and yellow window paning on leaves.

Tupur in my experience holds pH value longer than coco/perlite. Probably due to other stuff in it.

What would effect PH? Coco is PH neutral. Only time I had potential PH issues which I have a early first few threads on, was when I did not feed to great runoff and frequently enough.

So the rootzone just sat in poorly circulated solution, drifting in PH and etc. Big pot once a day, 90 days in veg, acting like it needed flowering quantities of feed.

Another reason for early growth issues I had was calmg issues from adding it when not needed at all (buffered) Perhaps it is harder to tell with coco hungry for calmg if its lock out or lack of?

I get perfect growth all cycle long and something has to be attributing to it. edit: I also personally think it was from RO water. Tap did better.