Buds look to be reverting to veg state again


Active Member
Im doin an outdoor grow and i had cought some punks trying to get into my backyard at night. so when my dog started barking i ran outback to see what was goin on. armed with a mag light and my stubnose. i flashed the light around looking and someone took off running from behind my fence. i saw the back of their red swaetshirt. so since then i have had two more ocassions when someone was behind my fence . evertime i grab my mag light to see. my plants were in begenning of flowering except one that bloomed really early this year. all the plants had nice white hairs on them in clusters. they were perfect. now im seing two plants around where i was shinning my light that look to be poking leaves out of the top of the bud but real slight. they are almost mixed in with the hairs.none of the branches have started reaching for light again or stretching. but the one early bloomer was right in the light big time and its still blooming just fine. its almost done its bubbleberry and shes due in three weeks. my question is since the bubble berry plant didnt revert back to veg from the mag light does that mean the other plants probably didnt either and they are just leafier strain? i would think if one got too much light when i shined it on them then they all got it cause i wasnt prejudice at all about shinnig the light around buut it was reall brief only for like maybe 10 15 seconds just to make sure no one was around them and to look behind the fence? let me know what you think. i


Well-Known Member
shining a flashlight on your plants won't make them reveg. When they do reveg there are some crazy looking deformed leaves that start growing out of the nugs. That sucks about folks trying to steal your grow, probably just some kids. Camping out there is a good idea, you should leave your dog out at night as well. Hope everything works out for you man.


Active Member
on my first outdoor grow I had to tend to it at night and almost everynight I had to shine a flashlight on it and it turned out fine. I don't think you should be worried