Bud's Dying In It's Prime? Harvest time?


Well-Known Member
Things were ok yesterday, yeah ok, a few plant's produced dead and crispy leaves within their bud structure, but I pried the effected buds apart to look for gooey mold, but only found gooey trichs (i think). But what do I know? I know we live in a mirco-climate. And I know that when I went to the hydro earlier this season and mentioned Cease, they were blank. I don't think beyortis is living in this moderated climate. Maybe today is harvest time. Or buy a gallon of Cease and start drenching buds, if Prime can get it here by tomorrow at any rate if this is bud rot, then I'm Cease's next season customer. All this time and attention this late in the season. I thought this farming thing was easy. Dadnabit! B.Rot.JPG
Farming is a good way to become moderately well off. If you start out with millions.

One of my plants is dying from the tips too. But it has just started to flower.

Once upon a time, long long ago, I had a plant doing this. I just clipped the top buds before they had a chance to get real bad. I was able to stretch it out four weeks. I pulled almost a pound off that one.
I'm nervous since I'm color blind. I look for grey-gooey mold-jam that Farmer 911-d me about. That bud had the most dead leaves so I inspected it closely, through the bud structure, looking for the sordid mass, but only burst clear trichs in the process making the bud gooey. Still....dry, brown leaves in the middle of a healthy bud? Somethings not right.

I saw your post LD (great plant) but too me it looks lack of Cal-Mag. Soils tested yet?
I'm nervous since I'm color blind. I look for grey-gooey mold-jam that Farmer 911-d me about. That bud had the most dead leaves so I inspected it closely, through the bud structure, looking for the sordid mass, but only burst clear trichs in the process making the bud gooey. Still....dry, brown leaves in the middle of a healthy bud? Somethings not right.

I saw your post LD (great plant) but too me it looks lack of Cal-Mag. Soils tested yet?
No testing. I do add Epsom salts, but nothing else.
Epsom isn't your problem. I use 1 tsp. per gallon. And also Snow Ultra (popped new trichs in one full day), and Budswell (3 tbls. with a mixed nute gallon), and Farmer just confirmed his diagnosis after seeing the pic above. Pronounced my bud dead and there wasn't even any brown goo. "You missed it" he said, the goo was there earlier. Now it's gone".
Well, it looks dead outside, So what? But not dead inside the bud. Just smashed trich-jam. I'm in denial but I'm digging it. Grooving on failure. Plus I had to do one push-up because I lost a 10 t0 1, where farmer would have snapped-off 10. Done any push-ups lately? I heard a lot of bones cracking. Beat farmer, but still reaping some harvest. This is the most fun I've had since surfing. Even losing has it's benefits.
I'm chopping the crop that's rotten and keeping it separate. I still don't believe I have bud rot. They had one left. Cease will be here in 2-days, if there's any one left standing, I'll drown them in Cease. OMRI, SmartPot to table certified.
I hope you find a cure LG. Maybe chop-out what's bad, or snap a pic and head to the hydro store. They'll be glad to help you out with something everyone else is using.
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I'm down here in NW Florida. I do have a hydro supply store in Panama City, but not sure if I would trust the guy there with that knowledge. But then we have only done cash business in the past. He doesn't know my name.

Hope things work out with your plant.
What's the strain?
SFV, Wet Dream, Purple Kush. Pics to follow in that order. I'm trimming buds into a big Tupperware bowl to try and regulate the drying time to 7-10 days to evaporate the chlorophyll. Any suggestions on how to DO THAT? Please!
How about using some of those B-62 pacs in the Tuppa? And keeping the lid cracked to vent? Anybody done anything like that? I'm trimming them down to just buds, and then into the bin. Found a full grown and chewing caterpillar inside the Purple Kush. Gnarly. I just sprayed Spinocide (Monterrey) thoroughly 2-days ago. 3/4 tspn to a pint of filtered H2o.
Took a pic.
'm trimming buds into a big Tupperware bowl to try and regulate the drying time to 7-10 days to evaporate the chlorophyll. Any suggestions

I super-glued a Caliber 4R hygrometer ($25) to the lid of a 1 gallon cracker jar ($5) from Wal-Mart, painted it purple to keep light out. Makes curing simple.


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rot.1a.JPG rot.2.JPG rot.3.JPG rot.4.JPG rot.1.JPG The bud-worm was inside the Purple Kush cola. Couldn't believe it. Big as a tomato worm and he was eating a lateral branch. The tops of these buds have dried brown leaves emerging. I only found one black powder-ball of mold. When I broke the bud open, it disintegrated in my fingers.
Cracker jar: http://www.target.com/p/glass-cracker-jar-with-metal-lid/-/A-14762418?lnk=abtest_searchpdp_2
Humidity gauge: https://www.amazon.com/Caliber-Digital-Hygrometer-Western-Humidor/dp/B00JXOKS2E
The clone guy called and told me to flush the 7-gal. pots w/ 5-gals of filtered water each. Then, tomorrow morning cut them all down and dry them asap hanging in my shop with no added humidity. In cleaning a cola, I used my scissors to flick parts of rotted bud away to the deck. Gummy, but not good gummy. But gone. Pics later.
King Harvest tomorrow!
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I super-glued a Caliber 4R hygrometer ($25) to the lid of a 1 gallon cracker jar ($5) from Wal-Mart, painted it purple to keep light out. Makes curing simple.
I taped-off the threads so the lid wouldn't flake paint into the buds. Caliber gauge is on it's way. What did you use to cut the hole in the lid? Thanks LN420


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View attachment 3769913 View attachment 3769914 View attachment 3769915 View attachment 3769916 View attachment 3769908 The bud-worm was inside the Purple Kush cola. Couldn't believe it. Big as a tomato worm and he was eating a lateral branch. The tops of these buds have dried brown leaves emerging. I only found one black powder-ball of mold. When I broke the bud open, it disintegrated in my fingers.
Cracker jar: http://www.target.com/p/glass-cracker-jar-with-metal-lid/-/A-14762418?lnk=abtest_searchpdp_2
Humidity gauge: https://www.amazon.com/Caliber-Digital-Hygrometer-Western-Humidor/dp/B00JXOKS2E
The clone guy called and told me to flush the 7-gal. pots w/ 5-gals of filtered water each. Then, tomorrow morning cut them all down and dry them asap hanging in my shop with no added humidity. In cleaning a cola, I used my scissors to flick parts of rotted bud away to the deck. Gummy, but not good gummy. But gone. Pics later.
King Harvest tomorrow!
That sucks, but at least you are getting to harvest some of it.

Thanks for the help with my plant. I think I got the food too hot. I was pushing it pretty hard right before flower.

Good luck with yours,

I taped-off the threads so the lid wouldn't flake paint into the buds. Caliber gauge is on it's way. What did you use to cut the hole in the lid? Thanks LN420

Looking good, man. I used tin snips to open the hole and then a dremel w/ diamond bit to finish it off/smooth it out. Didn't even measure w/ ruler. Surely there is a much more efficient method, so I hope you search it out. But I will recommend you seat the Caliber 4R in the hole and measure RH for accuracy BEFORE super-gluing; the last thing you want to do is super-glue that $25 device, only to discover later that the hole is improperly cut and has a leak.

The first step is to measure your caliber 4R for accuracy using a Boveda pack (I ordered and used the 75% kit). So after you've done that and made sure your Caliber 4R is accurate, you seat it in the hole [without super-gluing] and place the Boveda pack inside the jar. After a while, if it reads what the Boveda pack inside the jar is, then you know you've cut properly (the jar is airtight) and you're ready to super-glue. You can see me doing this hole test w/ Boveda packs in one of the pics:


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And I'll give you one more piece of advice: For symmetrical purposes (if it even matters to you), the fully screwed lid will come to rest in the same position every time, so the way the hygrometer faces when super-glued is the way it'll always face. This slipped my mind and as you can see, my hygrometer is not symmetrical with the jar when the lid is tightly screwed on.


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Getting there...all except the hard part, cutting the hole. I have an 1-3/8 shear-punch left over from my plumbing days. I think I'll start with that hole and (after carefully removing the cardboard seal from the lid) then I can cut the larger hole with shears. Yellow-handle shears cut straight. Red-handle shears cut right. I've got the red handle one to start out with, cutting clockwise. Anyway, the gauge came with that little cardboard support. I used it to center the hole and if I cut it right, the gauge should drop right in. I had an advantage in that you pioneered it. This is still the LN420 humidor. Thanks a lot. huni.1.JPG humi.2.JPG
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Looks like a humidity problem to me that does
How so?
I read somewhere that the humidipaks wouldn't decrease humidity to it pot-happy 62%, but once the bud gets to around that RH I think the humidipaks will maintain the poifect RH level if the lid stays reasonably sealed. Until then I'd keep the lid loose.
But why do you think it's going to be a humidity problem? Too big of a jar? A quart mason screw-top works better, and is the dispensary industry standard? Thanx