Buds drying to fast?


Well-Known Member
Just harvested my Fast and vast small plant and with in 3 days it dried up so I put them in the jar last night and humidity in the jar was 50RH. checked them today and it stay steady at 66RH. Anything I can do to cure them right or did I mess up already? Next time around how can I keep them from drying out so fast?


Well-Known Member
If its airy it will dry fast..nothing you can do.. If its drying too fast n its not airy then you need to lose the fan, Dehumidifier or heat source you are using.

What temp and RH is drying room? Fan?


Well-Known Member
Are the buds brittle? Or just the untrimmed leaves? Try using a brown grocery bag (if they still exist) and hang them sealed in there for a day or two.

Put them in a location where the RH is relatively higher than normal. You'll want them there for about 3-4 days.

Then put them in your jars, remember to burp a couple times a day. Let sit with lid off for about 10 minutes or so. You'll want to do that for about 21+ days.

My last harvest, the buds started to dry a little too quick, so I did what I just said, and let cure for about 45 days after drying. The buds now have great head appeal and smoke excellent.

It's good that you're at least paying attention to your buds.

I'm sure someone may have a better answer.


Well-Known Member
It was in the closet and I'm not sure about the RH in the closet. They were really dry tho
@see4 their still around lol. I don't mind waiting. if I throw them in the paper bag isn't that gonna dry them more? Their pretty dry as it is.


Well-Known Member
It was in the closet and I'm not sure about the RH in the closet. They were really dry tho
@see4 their still around lol. I don't mind waiting. if I throw them in the paper bag isn't that gonna dry them more? Their pretty dry as it is.
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If you've had them hang drying for the past 4 days or so, I'd probably toss them into glass jars, close the lids and toss them in a dark place. Check back in 24 hours, open the lids for 10 minutes, check if they've softened up a bit. If so, close the lid and check back on them every 12 hours or so. Rinse and repeat.


Well-Known Member
If you insert a Boveda 62 humipacks in each jar, it will bring the humidity up to or down to 62. I rely on this product a lot and if used properly will keep your buds fresh for as long as you keep them jarred, weeks, months even years.


Well-Known Member
This round I hung the plants in the flower room with lights off rh 60's temp 60's...no trim and hung for 10 days...now I clip the fan leaves...and into paper bag or jar...next I trim the sugar leaf and use to make BHO or dry ice kief.The select buds go into zip lock bags
I find if you leave the fan leaf on this will slow down dry time


Well-Known Member
@see4 ok thanks for the help. Next time I harvest how can I keep them from drying out so fast?
its about the RH in the space youre drying them. tazz has a good suggestion of tossing humipacks in a jar (or bag)

coat hangers and trashbags ive seen people do too.

the joy of this biz is you can get creative.


Well-Known Member
@see4 ok thanks for the help. Next time I harvest how can I keep them from drying out so fast?
Find if you can, a room made of concrete, or build a small space out of cynderblocks to hang them in and add a COLD MIST HUMIDIFIER. this took my dry time from 3 days to 8. Then it's into jars once the stems almost snap. Smaller branches SHOULD snap. Burp once a day taking buds out for 30 mins, and do for a week. Then, once every other day next week. And finally once or twice a week for last 2. Buy a humidity gauge from pet Co. And if it goes above 67, open it. Once it holds at 50-55. You're ready.


Well-Known Member
If you insert a Boveda 62 humipacks in each jar, it will bring the humidity up to or down to 62. I rely on this product a lot and if used properly will keep your buds fresh for as long as you keep them jarred, weeks, months even years.
I've been seeing this brand a lot ever since i started to read on harvesting and curing. Thanks for your feed back. Think Ima go ahead and get the Bo 62 on amazon


Well-Known Member
I usually hang mine up in a dark closet until the stems "snap" not just bend, when bent. Then I'll cut the buds off and put them into mason jars with a loose lid. From what my taste testers tell me, they're coming out pretty damn smooth.


Well-Known Member
Any update on your buds? I'd like to see how they are turning out. Purps are always great bag appeal.


Well-Known Member
Try to keep your drying area in the 65% RH range, no direct air/fan on them (keep air moving, just not directly at them) and you can get a nice slow dry. I use a room between my flower room and a veg cabinet. The exhaust from the veg cabinet keeps RH high and I can just hang them and trim whenever I have the time. I've had plants hanging there for 3 weeks the odd time and finish drying them through the cure. Can't be too high or you would risk mould but 65% +- works well with some airflow in the room.


Well-Known Member
Nah, I had the same issue my first grown and now, my buds dried faster then expected, my buds are pretty small with my setup, I got a lot of popcorn and medium top colas.