budget grow blue cheese, blue fruit, papaya


Active Member
not to long ago i started a small grow and i still cant decide if i should keep on with my original plan of doing a scrog with the four plants. well here's my issue i am suppose to move out of my apt at the end of feb. so i am not sure if 1.5 months is enough veg. time to scrog. they are currently on day 17 taking on consideration the 70 days of flowering.
here is how my setup looks like.
3 70w 2700k hps lights
6 27w 5500k cfls
27 gallon container
fish fertilizer 5-1-1 npk
and a mix of water,sugar and yeast for c02

photos from left to right blue cheese, blue fruit, papaya and the last was given to me x-strain. any advice welcome....

