Budding in early june?



1st post here, tho Ive been reading for a while.

So... Heres my problem... I'm growing some strain of ak47. Last year, I put my clones out july 6 (I'm in southern maine btw) and had an amazing season. I averaged 8 oz per plant and harvested sept 9!!

So.... This year, I thought... hell, If I put them out earlier, they'll get twice as big, right? No! I put them out last week in april, and they began to bud at the end of may :-( So, I kept feeding them high nitrogen (guano) to help revert them, but they only just started to revert this week.
This is where I'm unsure of what to do. There are stringy little buds all over these plants. Common sense tells me to leave it be, and the girls will work themselves out, but then again, maybe cutting these things off will help them?
I now know I put them out waaaaaaaaaaay too early for this strain. but.... I dont know what to do from here? They started throwing the funky curly leaves that you get when reverting a plant, but the buds are still there, and looking, well.... mature I guess... lots of brown hairs, and crystals.... but very small and stringy.

So... what do you master growers think I should do? I've never had this problem before... bugs, critters, you name it, been there done that, but buds in june?? WTF?? lol

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!!

AND... even tho I'm legal... I dont like taking pix of my girls. I will if that'll help, but I'd prefer not to.



Well-Known Member
If it has reverted and has a couple weeks of vegging left you could carefully pick off the buds and smoke them. I'm planning on doing my last pruning sometime around july 10th for 40 degrees latitude.


If it has reverted and has a couple weeks of vegging left you could carefully pick off the buds and smoke them. I'm planning on doing my last pruning sometime around july 10th for 40 degrees latitude.
That's kinda what I was figuring on, but how bad will it stress the plant? or is it just, they are done with, so pick them? Been growing outdoors in Maine for 20 years, and NEVER had this happen before.... lol


Well-Known Member
LOL, I put my two out beginning of last month, after a 60 day veg, and one of them is starting to reveg I think, because I still about 15 hrs. light/ day.
My Kush and bagseed are still flowering though.


Well-Known Member
If you are trying to reveg your plant, you do not want to pick off the bud sites, these are needed to reveg your plant.:lol:


Well-Known Member
are they in pots? if so, there are soil mixes that you can make and transplant into to make the transition smoother.


Well-Known Member
are they in pots? if so, there are soil mixes that you can make and transplant into to make the transition smoother.
ME? Or the OP?
If you mean me, I'm just gonna leave it, I'll have enough to do with the Kush and my Sativa bagseed in the meantime, but thanks.


are they in pots? if so, there are soil mixes that you can make and transplant into to make the transition smoother.

In pots? Guess you could say that.... more like 35 gallon trash cans :D

SO... DONT pull the buds?

This is why I am so confused.... I have seen all sorts of do this do that stuff, and no definitive answers. I assume that cutting them off will stunt the plant, and at this point, lessen my yield. I prolly should have done that when they 1st started to bud back in may.

ETA: Ak isnt the only strain I have going. I also have some sour jay(custom strain I guess) and its doing as expected, and went out at the same time.


If your plant is trying to reveg it uses the old bud sites to spurt new growth.
Ya... thats exactly what it looks like too....

SO... what happens to the buds? I'm worried about them rotting, and ruining new buds in a lil more than a month..... OR... do I trim them after there is substantial growth?


Well-Known Member
Ya... thats exactly what it looks like too....

SO... what happens to the buds? I'm worried about them rotting, and ruining new buds in a lil more than a month..... OR... do I trim them after there is substantial growth?
Thats venturing a little past my knowledge,but my thinking would be that in the summer heat those might just wilt away. Hopefully someone else will be along to give you a more definite answer, and enlighten both of usbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thats venturing a little past my knowledge,but my thinking would be that in the summer heat those might just wilt away. Hopefully someone else will be along to give you a more definite answer, and enlighten both of usbongsmilie
I just left mine, if you can wait until Saturday when I put up my weekly pics, I'll try and get a close shot of what it looks like now.
It kinda hurts to leave it, because you have to look at that full, ripe bud that you can't smoke, but I guess you could break it off in chunks and dry it.
Mine stayed around a long time, and then finally dried out and started softening and I pulled it off piece by piece.
It didn't rot or mold, even with the almost constant rain I've been having, and when it's not raining, it's humid.


Well-Known Member
Might be good if you PM me Sat. morning if you want a pic of what the old buds look like now, I'll be honest.
I WILL forget by then.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Is this the same strain you grew last year?
That is 3 branches I pulled off one night when I was goofing around doing a little lollipopping, and I had a cup of soil sitting there, so I shoved them in just to hold them, and a few days later, they hadn't wilted, so..............
I just revegged them the whole time I was vegging my Kush and Diesel.


Well-Known Member
I mean the AK strain that is budding. Is that the same strain you grew last year or did you grow something else last year? I'm just wondering a little more about the genetics of the plant that started flowering in June.


Well-Known Member
I mean the AK strain that is budding. Is that the same strain you grew last year or did you grow something else last year? I'm just wondering a little more about the genetics of the plant that started flowering in June.
Sorry, thought you meant me.


Is this the same strain you grew last year?
Same strain. I made clones just before they started budding, and kept them alive thru winter indoors.

That was a whole other situation.....

ETA: I did some research when they started to bud, and general theory is that I put them out too early for this strain :-(