Bud, the destoyer of life.


Active Member
My dog, ironically named Bud, decided to piss on my newest cross breed, it was looking to be a beauty too. anyone know if this is going to affect it at all? cause i don't wanna scrape this tree, but im scared.


New Member
Give it a good watering. Dilute it

Piss contains N-P-K, so you might see nute burn lol.

My dog, ironically named Bud, decided to piss on my newest cross breed, it was looking to be a beauty too. anyone know if this is going to affect it at all? cause i don't wanna scrape this tree, but im scared.


Active Member
haha i hate to be the one to bring it up..
i really do
but dont be mad at yor dog.. some people think it is beneficial to peepee on there plants.. * ses link below* .. *agan sorry guys and gals*
if his plants can make it through.. so can yours

post some pics and info on your plant
so we can see how ts dooin
good luck


Active Member
I'm not mad at my dog hes my bestfriend, im just hoping it doesnt affect the plant. heres a pic I moved it too my makeshift recovery center lol.

UPDATE: Right plant was the one under the golden shower.


Well-Known Member
im sure the guy that pissed on his plant can tell u the outcome .. or give u some pointers :) joking .. but yea id just dilute it with water