*Bud Rot will you ever leave me alone! *


Well-Known Member
Hello to those looking in,

I'll get straight to the point i had previous terrible bud rot problems because my ventilation set up was crap so i take that on the chin.

But on this crop i sorted it and have good ventilation humidity down to 50% on a bad day normally it's as low as 35% with lights off and my fans running 24 hours temps correct so all good.

6 weeks into flowering my buds are big i spotted the early sign of bud rot, (trust me i was used to seeing it so i know the signs!!

So given i have the above ventilation set up i was a little disappointed to be honest, it's was only on two big buds in the middle of the grow ditrectly under the light i cropped the buds and cut out the rot and set them to dry, i caught it nice and early and have saved 95% of the bud so i'm happy,

So i'm keeping a good eye now on the rest but why has this happened ?

I hope it will only be these two buds any opinions?