bud rot prevention


Well-Known Member
okay, for guys in sealed rooms with co2 and whatnot, whats the best way to ensure you dont get bud rot with very dense buds?

dehumidifier set to always run? extreme oscillating fan stirring?


Well-Known Member
i was just wondering if that would take care of it. I found some bud rot on one of my cola's and i have about 40-50% humidity and oscillating fans going in each corner of the room. I guess I will crank my dehumidifier up and get the RH down more


Well-Known Member
^Keep the fans running at night, too. I've seen many set on the same timer as their lights, turing off when they do, which can cause problems.

I like to keep my humidity around 35-45%,(usually on the lower end) during flowering, and haven't had any mold/rot issues, yet... *knocks on wood*

Also,...it helps if you back off on the watering, a little, compared to vegging. This is dependant on your medium, and it's drainage qualities, of course....


Well-Known Member
does serenade change the flavor/smell of bud? Does it work well? i was thinking about spraying every other week starting day one of flower. I think it'd be dumb not to if it does work. No point losing anything if its only 20$ a 32 oz bottle


Well-Known Member
didnt want to start a new thread for this, so i figured i'd continue this. Cut down my last ak48 plant tonight and only had 2-3 really dense colas. The biggest had rot inside it about halfway up. I've been running a dehumidifier most of the flowering cycle keeping it below 50%. after i found the first signs of rot i put it to constantly run, and the RH has been around 35-45% (RARELY getting above 45%)

my question is would i do more harm than good by getting another dehumidifier and going overkill on dehumidifieng?


Well-Known Member
I think glann your problem is not moisture but lack of fresh air. get more ventilation and air circulation in the room, as well as extraction.