bud rot? and harvest question help!


i have 4 plants on the go outside my one kush plant is starting to get bud rot. I have already cut 2 stems off because of it. Tonight i went back to check on them and found its starting to go up another stem to my bigger buds. I know i have to get rid of the rot its starting on the smaller buds but moving up! I have 2 kush one ak47 and one white widow. I hear from people you wanna wait till first frost to take them down cuz thats when the buds swell.

The white widow is going on 91days
The 2 kush plants and ak47 are going on 120days

I have had a few people that have seen them by accident and its making me nervous right near the end they might get ripped off!!! They all look finished esp the white widow its pretty much pure white from crystal and they reak hardcore at night time. Do you think its fine to take them all down now or let them go for another 2-3weeks hoping the frost will come in time. I just dont wanna take them down and the bud is pre-mature and later down the road it gets moldy. Doesnt crop usually take 8weeks to harvest if so im past that big time. This will be my second grow in 3yrs the first time i ran them till the frost and took them down but im hoping i can take them down now so i can stop the rot on the one plant and stop being nervous bout them getting ripped off.

If you guys could answer my concerns that would be great thanks alot. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
if someone saw them i'd chop... as for the bud rot.. where the hell do you live where its rotting outside???.