Well-Known Member
I can post pics if I need to. Ive been flowering a little over 5 weeks. There are a few buds on my plant that the leaves coming out of the bud are bent up and curling. Any ideas?
I am now 6 weeks into flower. The buds on top of the plant look ok. These buds that are messed up are in the middle of the plant. They get light and everything, I already thought of that. The leaves on the buds crunch a little when I touched them. Whats wrong with this plant?A picture says a 1000 words
If it was heat then wouldnt the top buds be doing it too?Usually, leaves curling up like that are an indication of too much heat.
That could be. I have a tester. I will test the soil tomorrow. Any other ideas?Mabe your ph is slightly off