Basically that's how it went buddy, I smoked a joint and was like damnit I know I can have better smoke! My health of my patients comes first and foremost, especially if I'm not happy with my product as well. I got the line at wholesale costs so it's not as much money sitting there as you think. All the small bottles were given to me to test the products and I just ran with it for years because it did work well. I filled the gallons into the small bottles after they were gone. Like I said I'm not knocking the line at all it worked great for me while it lasted...but I have found a better way for me, and can sleep at night now not wondering what the long term effects of a synthetic product may do for me or my patients. I never had any complaints I just switched for the sake of switching and once the compliments came in from the patients and people who tried the organic product it was just kinda confirmed then that this the route I was gonna take now. I didn't tell anybody I switched I wanted truthful answers not someone's mind saying oh he switched this is pry bs now. I will recommend any advanced users who feel the same way I did to try subs supersoil as it works wonders. It's not the easiest thing to change from a sure thing but I did and couldn't be happier.