Bubbleponics with Dual Spectrum II or Son Agro?


Active Member
So i'm very torn when it comes to the Bubbleponics system. After everything that I have read and seen. I can't make up my mind on whether or not to go with the cfl's or the hps. I am really worried about heat, space, etc... If this system is setup for 6 plants. What light should I use to be productive for a 1st time grower? I am looking at purchasing some Aurora Indica Feminised, but I'm also not sure of who to go through to get those to the states effeciently. Also, I'm really not sure of how big my grow room really needs to be to provide an ample space for this system with 6 females. Can anyone give me some insite please and thank you.........


Elite Rolling Society
Man, it's just two sides of the coin and what do you want?

Are you growing in a small space, then use CFLS.
Do you have a big room, then do the HPS.

Are you going to vent for heat? Then HPS
NO VENT and Heat is a problem, then use CFLS

Do you want just a couple of ounces fast, then CFLs.
Do you want over two or three ounces? Then HPS.

Is this going to be a 10 week grow? then CFLs.
Long time Vegging grow? Then HPS.

Dirty Snoob

Active Member
Do you want just a couple of ounces fast, then CFLs.
Do you want over two or three ounces? Then HPS.

Is this going to be a 10 week grow? then CFLs.
Long time Vegging grow? Then HPS.
Couldn't CFLs give you just as much yield as HPS? Roseman, don't you use CFLs? I've seen your grows and they are pretty damn big! Plus didn't you veg for like 9 weeks with CFLs as well? Seems to me that CFLs could do the same job as HPS only with less heat and more efficiency.


New Member
cfls are not more efficient than hps. here's something to get you thinking; which puts out more heat, 600 watts of cfl or 600 watts of hps? stumped? another one; which weighs more, 100 pounds or bricks or 100 pounds of feathers? you see? man i hope you see.


Elite Rolling Society
I have read that the SATURATION and PENETRATION of Light is better from HPS than CFLs, if watts and lumens are equal.
I do use CFLs, I like CFLs. CFLs are what is best for me in my situation.
AND I learned fast that the more I use,the better results I get.
I have learned too that HPS is just simply more Effiecient.
BUT that Efficiency COSTS MORE in initial cost and in POWER Usage, and of course,they produce more heat, which means additional Ventalation is needed and that costs too.
And I enjoy the mobility of my CFLs.

To me, it's like I enjoy HONEY on my cereal, but there is nothing wrong if you perfer SUGAR.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
I've never grown with CFL...so won't comment there.

However, I have grown with other floros...t-12's and t-5's. (I use t-5's now for *early* vegging & clones)

When you plug in your first HID light you will SEE the difference immediately.

When you harvest your first HID crop you will SEE the difference immediately.

IF we were talking about growin lettuce...efficiency and costs...*the* things that seem to be THE focus of the *pro* arguments here regarding using CFL...well..those things WOULD be important. Paying more to grow yer lettuce at home than you can buy it would be a bit self-defeating. (although it might be/is self-fulfilling for many just the same)

But we AREN'T growin lettuce...at least I'm not...so "cost" is a buncha hooey IMO. $50 in electricity cost per month for **multiple ounces** of WEED per month? BFD!!! It's a no-brainer here...and in the end when I'm SMOKING THE BUD YOU AREN'T...I don't even THINK ABOUT the *extra costs* (LOFL) of HID.

good luck

bt dt


Elite Rolling Society
HPS, HID, defintely grow a bud bigger, tighter, more compresed, hardier, and just much better.
A Chevey Corvette will get you to California from NY FASTER, with more fun, more comfort, and much better cruising speed than a Ford Focus.
but you can still drive to Califronai in a Ford Focus if you want to.


Active Member
cfls are not more efficient than hps. here's something to get you thinking; which puts out more heat, 600 watts of cfl or 600 watts of hps? stumped? another one; which weighs more, 100 pounds or bricks or 100 pounds of feathers? you see? man i hope you see.

That's not true put you hand on a hps and see how you get burned. And then but your hand on cfl not burned....