*Bubble Ponics* PH likes getting high too!

Hey guys,

I've been really struggling with my grow. No big deal, first time so I expected problems. Anyway, I created a thread previous to the one I'm writing now....https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/273485-please-help-1st-grow-bubbleponics.html

I really believe I figured out what is troubling me...PH is WAY WAY too HIGH!! 7.8 - 8.2 comes straight out of the faucet. The Stealth hydro strips that came with the unit lets just say...were very inaccurate. I'm not knocking them, don't misunderstand. I just received my Digital meter the other day and I'm amazed at how high my PH is.

I did a drain and replenish this morning, plus I really flushed everything with peroxide 3%, and ph 5.8-6.0 water.

I added 5 gallons of 5.8-5.9 ph balanced water to the reservoir. I let the system run for 15 min.

Next I added a 6th gallon of water with 1/6 nutes that measured 5.8.

I completed this around 11:00 AM EST this morning.

It's about 2:15 right now and my PH is 7.2. I'm scared to see what it will be around 11PM tonight...

One more thing I tried to add a half gallon of ph adjusted water to the tank in the past & the water later got cloudy, about 12 hours later?

Any thoughts? Ideas to keep it down or constant?

Take Care Happy Holidays ,



alright m8. all hydro should have a ph of 5.8/6.5! over 7 can be good but not sure how it will effect your plants, maybe nute lockout? i think if you dont have ph down you can use viniger but i might be wrong! see what other think. good luck


Well-Known Member
Are you using the powder ph down that came with your system?

If so, buy some liquid down(GH makes a decent product and any hydro store will carry it)and you'll find that your ph is much more stable.

How many people have tested the pH of hydrogen peroxide. It raises the pH of your water.



Thanks Alex for the advice. Thanks for posting the links as well.

I understand that peroxide raises PH. I tested the pH after adding a tbsp of peroxide to a gallon of water.

As far as the water getting cloudy??

I can't help but think about my father having problems with our home pool's pH, thus turning the water cloudy.

I'll test and adjust my pH in about 5 hours or so, being sure not too adjust it too much within the 12 hour period.

Thanks guys,
