bubble,hindu k, strawbry cough


Well-Known Member
Damn that is a beast. Yeah too bad with the slight nutrient burn and heat stress. One of my g-13's in the vegetative state suffered from light burn LoL of all phases. Good Luck.


Active Member
The cough is going to get huge, great choices. Just got done with a cough plant and it seemed to not like as many nutrients as kush strains so be a little careful(just an opinion)


Active Member
The cough is going to get huge, great choices.
I've helped someone work with some strawberry cough before. Your plants look good - nice, lush growth you have there. How sucsessful have you been with cloning cough? I've tried rooting cough in a machine, but out of 4, only 1 survived.

I've heard it's best to clone in soil for this particular strain but haven't given it a try yet.