Bubble Hash or Dry Ice Hash?

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member
So I have a few ounces of trim from mixed plants I just harvested. It's dried. I know how to make dry ice hash, but it keeps a sort of yellow consistency and when I use a bottle filled with boiling water to 'roll' it into a hot sheet and then roll that into a hash ball - it's still easily crumbled.

I'm looking for that dark brown more putty consistency hash (like frenchy cannoli makes) and I've been told that bubble hash (ice cubes) works well but last time I tried, I mixed it all together and got squat.

I must have done something wrong along the way - does anyone here have a fail-safe method, instructions, or youtube video that shows you how to make bubble hash with bubble bags and ice cubes to turn them into a temple ball? I've scanned some of these threads and am not able to find anything too concrete, or methods that are too involved - any advice would be appreciated

thank you, AM
I bought a bubble magic washing machine and it does wonders! Best bubble hash I've ever made. They sell different sizes I got the 20 gallon because I do outdoor and have a huge amount of trim...
thank you my friend... im looking for the opposite, the most low budget means, i have bubblebags, there should be a decent way using little else.... or maybe i've been misinformed..
Those bundled bags suck. Buy some quality bags that will last forever like from bubblebag.com

I should get a 200, right? Also, this machine looks the same as the others, but 1/3 of the price. I do see some kind of plastic basket inside, are there online instructions for using this for making hash as opposed to whatever it is intended to do? Also, how do i do the upgrade - the amazon site only offers one option... thank you man, this is some good info...
A machine seems a bit much to process a few ounces, though not a bad idea if you plan to make it often.

To do it manually with bags.

1. Put weed in freezer overnight.
2. Get 5 gallon home depot/Lowes type bucket, whatever has that opening size.
3. Get a 10 or 20 lb bag of ice.
4. Put bags in bucket in proper order, smallest micron/mesh on the outside with largest number being the inner most layer.
5. Put frozen weed and some ice in the bucket with the bags. Add water till bucket is 3/4 full and it's all floating around. That initial ice is going to melt fast, so add some more right before the next step.
6. Get big wooden spoon or something and mix around for 30 minutes, stir deep into bucket to keep all the weed and ice moving.
7. Lift out bags one at a time, let water fully drain into lower bags.

8. Run the plant material in your largest micron bag again, 2nd wash is often pretty plentiful.
Get a machine, it’ll be one of the best investments you ever make. Don’t get one from some chancer putting weed stickers on it and charging more than it’s worth, it’s just an RV washing machine. Go to an online RV supplier.

Frenchy’s channel still has plenty of excellent videos up, some quite long, but we’ll worth a watch without a doubt.

The ice is just there to get the water temperature down low enough to gently stroke the heads from the plant matter, no crazy stirring with a spoon in a drill or any of that other stuff you see people do.
Slow and steady is where it’s at.

Arguably the most important thing to do before you stir or turn the machine on is, to let the material soak and get fully saturated in the machine or bucket.

His cut bucket trick with the holes also saves a lot of time and fiddling about when collecting and draining.

Good luck mate
I second the notion that if you can afford it, the machine is the way to go. But manual agitation works too and if you only have a few ounces to work with, then a machine might be overkill.

Manually, you can use a 220 work bag in one bucket in which you add ice, cannabis and water. Then stir/agitate. Then remove the bag with the cannabis, put it in another bucket to hold until the next run. Pour the water from your agitated cannabis through your stacked bags and pull them one after another to rinse down and harvest the hash in each filter bag. Then do the same process several times until your yield/quality go down. Rinse the final wash well to get any remaining trichomes to flush down into the filter bags. Three, four or five rounds. I've read others do more but there are diminishing returns.

More runs with less agitation and only enough ice to keep the water cold are good tips to to work with. Too much ice and too much agitation lowers the quality. Stay away from paint stirrers and other aggressive methods to stir. You want to avoid pulverizing plant material that will lower the quality of your hash. Use just enough ice to keep your water cold and only enough agitation to flush out the trichomes and not pulverize plant material.
If your dry ice product still crumbles it could be one of two things. One, you didn't use the hot water bottle enough. Frenchy says sometimes it takes two, three or more times. Second, what you started with is low content. The reason it gets sticky is tricome heads. I have had one pressing of Malawi at 160 turn out completely sticky. Soon as it cooled it was a chunk that takes a match and a pocket knife to cut off some to smoke. This was sugar leaves off the Malawi.
So I have a few ounces of trim from mixed plants I just harvested. It's dried. I know how to make dry ice hash, but it keeps a sort of yellow consistency and when I use a bottle filled with boiling water to 'roll' it into a hot sheet and then roll that into a hash ball - it's still easily crumbled.

I'm looking for that dark brown more putty consistency hash (like frenchy cannoli makes) and I've been told that bubble hash (ice cubes) works well but last time I tried, I mixed it all together and got squat.

I must have done something wrong along the way - does anyone here have a fail-safe method, instructions, or youtube video that shows you how to make bubble hash with bubble bags and ice cubes to turn them into a temple ball? I've scanned some of these threads and am not able to find anything too concrete, or methods that are too involved - any advice would be appreciated

thank you, AM
Hash is hard…. Making full melt dry sift is allot of work and low yield, Bubble hash has its own set of problems. I prefer dry sift myself as an end product cleaned but dang the yield is so low. The climate you live in matters, what you’re cultivating matters, and the devils in the details as you found out. I just skip the hash making, only get that very ready first run on the screens and im out. Best smoke every harvest is that creme lol. Good luck !
So I have a few ounces of trim from mixed plants I just harvested. It's dried. I know how to make dry ice hash, but it keeps a sort of yellow consistency and when I use a bottle filled with boiling water to 'roll' it into a hot sheet and then roll that into a hash ball - it's still easily crumbled.

I'm looking for that dark brown more putty consistency hash (like frenchy cannoli makes) and I've been told that bubble hash (ice cubes) works well but last time I tried, I mixed it all together and got squat.

I must have done something wrong along the way - does anyone here have a fail-safe method, instructions, or youtube video that shows you how to make bubble hash with bubble bags and ice cubes to turn them into a temple ball? I've scanned some of these threads and am not able to find anything too concrete, or methods that are too involved - any advice would be appreciated

thank you, AM

I make a nice black gummy hash using 4 -5g of dry sift to 1g of honey oil I call Honey Hash. Very much like the Temple Ball hash of olde.

I just mix in the kief in the pie plate sitting on a pot of simmering water.



Had to add 8 more grams of kief to this one so it ended up almost 50g when just right.


I learned how to make ice water hash by watching a you tube video. I believe I searched for how to make gumby hash.

I now have some bubble bags but I still have my old set up I made with 2 buckets and like 4 layers of window screen. My home made set cost me about 10 bucks to make. But if you want different grades of quality, then you need the bags too
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