Bubble Hash: frozen vs dried flower


Well-Known Member
Sorry if there's a thread that discusses it somewhere, just can't find the answer I'm looking for. I have a plant nearing harvest I plan to use for hash and edibles. I got a bubble bag set that I'll use.

I hear fresh frozen is best to use for quality and quantity in general for bubble hash but I dont have a freeze drier to do a proper fresh frozen, just a normal deep freeze. If I just put the bud in a vaccum bag and throw into the deep freeze is that going be ok? Or if fresh frozen isn't possible is it better to just dry the bud as normal before making hash? Thanks for any tips.
Its a great product (BH) but I've only done it once (with a NL auto).
Although the end product was great, I found the final 'amount' too diminished to be a regular thing.
Good luck though...