Bubble Gum. CFL & Flourescent. w/Pics

First timer, but so far so good. in the 6th day of 12/12 cycle. here are some pics of her journey thus far.

PIC 1 is about day one of her life, was taken after clone was transplanted into coco medium.
PIC 2 about 1.5 weeks into veg
PIC 3 about 3 weeks into veg
PIC 4 about 4.5 weeks into veg, Plant transplanted into 5 gallon pot with fox farms oceanforest soil and perlite mix.
PIC 5 2 days after the switch to 12/12
PIC 6 and on is today, day 6 of flowering.

used a mix of fish emulsion and shultz 10-15-10 through veg, next feeding will be with new nutes for flower, a mix of jack's classic african violet and the shultz 10-15-10, low doses. will be first nute feeding since transplanting into the fox farm soil. any input would be awesome, as its my first time. PURA VIDA



Active Member
Dude your plant looks great. I really wanna grow this strain too, isn't it supposed to stay short? How many watts total you gonna use?
using 4 40 watt CFLs and 4 4ft fluorescent lights that are 40 watts each, totaling 320 total watts so far, probably gonna add a couple more CFLs. Also the coolest part is the clone was a free gift.
gonna get some closeup pics of the pistol development as it is looking pretty nice today, or I am just really high. either way closeups are a'comin.
She's looking good at week 3, the buds are looking nice, starting to get at little frost. pretty excited about the coming weeks.

