Bubba Kush 2.0 vs White Gorrila Haze

The frosty thin leaf variety is the haze I’m guessing? Correct me if I’m wrong. Love sativa stuff. 1200 seems really high to me but I’ve seen a lot of people runnning high from the start. Especially Athena. Is 300 the actual watts your light uses. Let’s see... 300/9= 33.33~. You would definitely be good. They have a ppfd app for free (it stops being free you can use to build a graph of your ppfd/distance and never have to guess again). Pistils seem to be turning before the completion of the swell. How are your roots? That single leaf mutation I’ve only had that happen with GSC hybrids but they were all really good smoke. Are you running masterblend or hesi?

what is the one in post #58? Those traits are awesome. Frost to the tips with early lavender?
1200 was just the 10L i put in the 60L soo it dropped and mixed to 900.they have stopped eating now soo i am slowly lowering food.nothing growing just getting a little bit fatter.

that is the retarded sativa i think its a purple strain some leafs are really purple.probably picked it from gorilla dont know of anything on haze side of family thats purple.
ppfd i dont know my phone is cheap soo it doesnt show correctly it has a limit. but i know i put some of them too close to the light. the small one is foxtailing and the huge indica is burned. but at 10-15cm distance i dont see any problems.

i am running masterblend and i add each week a little bit of hesi P/K i think 5ml/10L just to boost it a little bit people say masterblend has too much N soo i give less masterblend and a boost of pk.

roots filled the whole bin they look healthy got some color from the dirt in TNC.
smoke looks to be amazing. i just tried the leaf but it was great. from indica i cut one of the burned tops and it sends you to bed.lots of deep thinking and relaxing
1200 was just the 10L i put in the 60L soo it dropped and mixed to 900.they have stopped eating now soo i am slowly lowering food.nothing growing just getting a little bit fatter.

that is the retarded sativa i think its a purple strain some leafs are really purple.probably picked it from gorilla dont know of anything on haze side of family thats purple.
ppfd i dont know my phone is cheap soo it doesnt show correctly it has a limit. but i know i put some of them too close to the light. the small one is foxtailing and the huge indica is burned. but at 10-15cm distance i dont see any problems.

i am running masterblend and i add each week a little bit of hesi P/K i think 5ml/10L just to boost it a little bit people say masterblend has too much N soo i give less masterblend and a boost of pk.

roots filled the whole bin they look healthy got some color from the dirt in TNC.
smoke looks to be amazing. i just tried the leaf but it was great. from indica i cut one of the burned tops and it sends you to bed.lots of deep thinking and relaxing
You could get some calcium nitrate and make your own Moab for way cheaper then the hesi. I make the original formula Hammerhead formula/Moab for super cheap. I’ve been running DWC for over a decade and have never ran the masterblend. How long have you been running this regimen? You can plug those nutrients into the hydro buddy app and just use like Mel Frank’s ratio for example and it will tell you how to get there with what you have so you don’t have to do the math. The math is pretty easy though.
i think 3 years now about 5grows. i still have more than half the bag of masterblend i did weed tomatoes cristmass tree chillies all in hydro.i usually just use the recommended mixing instruction and dilute it in water.and then just watch what the plant wants ppm drop or raise.somethimes she wants more magnesium but usually it works with normal mix.

i bought a bottle of hesi when i saw it in the store never planed to use it. but probably could find a nice powder replacement.
i think 3 years now about 5grows. i still have more than half the bag of masterblend i did weed tomatoes cristmass tree chillies all in hydro.i usually just use the recommended mixing instruction and dilute it in water.and then just watch what the plant wants ppm drop or raise.somethimes she wants more magnesium but usually it works with normal mix.

i bought a bottle of hesi when i saw it in the store never planed to use it. but probably could find a nice powder replacement.
The recipes are on the first page of my journal if you ever want to try it out.

Christmas tree(s) as in multiple? Was this a personal project or a business?

I think your little mutant Gorilla Haze is B.E.A.utiful. I love mutant Phenos. Did you clone her before you flowered?
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I like weird hard to grow mutant stuff personally. It’s just rewarding to nurse something along maybe. Perennials in hydroponics sound like it would be pretty hard after a while. How long does it take one to reach a sellable size in hydro?
Please let me know if you’d like me to delete these comments as well. Don’t want to clutter your journal with unwanted post bud.
it topped it selfe and never grew anything more than the 2 branches after a self top. stayed small until flower then grew like a normal plant but still only 2 branches.now is the only one with foxtails.personally i would say shit plant.it has strong thc but she doesnt grow big.
it wasnt a cristmass tree but cristmass star my bad. but in hydro roots get massive doubles in size after a month.
45/ 6weeks
26 /3.7weeks
ppm raised a little bit
added 1.5L to both
Sativa 883 5.81
774 5.88


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Sativa 911 5.72
803 5.67
she drank a lot soo tommorow i will give her food.

indika is starting to show some orange hairs,but one story belove is like fresh white hairs... the burned big indika is dark red she might be not ready but done. i fucked her up.signal-2023-03-19-171500_002.jpeg


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Sativa 874
added to both 10L water with a 7L mix

854 5.97
772 5.97

hmm sativa went from too much to too little now...hmm maybe i should keep her at 900-910
indika loves her 777 whole grow she stayed there happy.
Sativa 887 5.85
779 5.83

sadly indica got mold :( soo i will cut her down its around 50% milky 50% clear no amber. doesnt look like the rest of the plant has it expect the 2 buds that i found but i will have to check them all out. i dont want to infect the sativa soo she is going out

sunday it was clean monday i can see now a tiny spot and today is full


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little indica is basicly all popcorn soo i took down 5 tops that i found mold rest i left i hope that was all. the other purple indica has sam nice hard flowers and lots of trim soo i got 1 bag full of trim for cookies and a few branches of smokable stuff.i am gonna have to monitor them daily now.
at least i have a chance to test the fridge now something good in all of this

the sativa allsoo went crazy on me the little retarded one decided its too heavy for her and 2 branches broke when i opened the tent i had to tie down one of the branches but they are getting really fat at the top.
both raised

soo i made 10L water with 7L mix and added 45ml of hesi pk. then split that 1.5L for indica rest for sativa.
then added 2L water for indica and 1.5L for sativa.

Indica 759. 5,95
884. 5,89


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Sativa 912 5.84
777 5.94

2 more tops from indika got infected trew them out and decided to cut all the rest of the tops, bottoms i will see if they will mature
also cut one of the tops from the sativa to try and smoke something while it finishes
5 more big fat tops got infected :( i decided its time to cut it all down there is not much left but i got 5 freezer bags full of popcorns and undeveloped buds soo there is gonna be cookies at least :)


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1 mini dehumidifier destroyed its outer package and just hanged the small unit to the bottom. at top i found 2 tiny pc fans 12v conected them together they work non stop.
the dehumidifer is on a timer it works for 2-3h then they get a pause of 15 min(standard light timer) soo it can defrost it works better that way i noticed. dehumidifer set with a humidity sensor starts it between 58-60.1.(i didnt want it to turn off and on often, probably you could get better results if you set it higher than 58...)
first 3 days i got big pudles of water humidity was around 70-75 now its howering around 58-60.1 i am gonna keep it until the fridge starts overcooling it under 58% i believe it could be done then. the first batch i left in the fridge after it started doing that and i got hay smell from them.

buds have really reduced in size and the smell is a lot lighter but still when you break the buds strong smell comes.