Bruce Banner auto wk3 of flower


This his her at the first day of WK 3 of flower I amended her day before yesterday an sadly in doing so I believe I unleashed some fungus gnatsout of my worm castings so now I'm dealing with that issue. But does she look heathy? Any advice for gnats? Thanks guys and girls!


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Lol yeah read on some gardening forum trying to find home remedies to get rid of fungus gnats that you could put the cut side of a few potatoes down an if you had an infestation they would burrow into the potatoes or lay their eggs in them one. I left them in there a few days an nothing.. I do have parent gnats flying about though. So either it's not that bad yet or that trick is full of sh!t...
This is what squashes gnats for me.

maqsuito dunks in water Rez. This take a month to become super helpful though.
Sticky traps are more for monitoring.
sand or diatomaceous earthtop dressing.

My experience is watering habits are The number one factor to dealing with gnats.
consistency is key. I’m guessing your in soil because of ewc top dress? If so maintaining constant moisture levels instead of the flood to dry type method. Usually this means more waterings with less volume. Like daily 2 cups instead of every 3 days half gallon or whatever. Does this make since sorry I’m rambling maybe….

steering towards a more bacterial dominant soil instead of fungal dominant.
This is what squashes gnats for me.

maqsuito dunks in water Rez. This take a month to become super helpful though.
Sticky traps are more for monitoring.
sand or diatomaceous earthtop dressing.

My experience is watering habits are The number one factor to dealing with gnats.
consistency is key. I’m guessing your in soil because of ewc top dress? If so maintaining constant moisture levels instead of the flood to dry type method. Usually this means more waterings with less volume. Like daily 2 cups instead of every 3 days half gallon or whatever. Does this make since sorry I’m rambling maybe….

steering towards a more bacterial dominant soil instead of fungal dominant.
I've been watering when it's dry an I use a probe to check deep down into the medium so Im fairly positive it's good an dry. Now truth be told I watered one day an forgot to amend the soil so when I remembered I had to amend an water it in and in doing so I scratched it into the surface an exposed some top roots little bitty things but this being my second grow ever I freaked out I didn't see anything like that on my first run. Sooo I was out of good soil so I used worm castings to cover said roots an in doing so I had to water it in an I may have introduced fungus gnats