Your bb looks like mine. At that stage of flower I called mine a swamp monster because of how all the pistils looked. I ran mine 9 weeks, could of went longer for more amber. It will keep spitting new pistils til the end. Your going to love the smoke.
Your bb looks like mine. At that stage of flower I called mine a swamp monster because of how all the pistils looked. I ran mine 9 weeks, could of went longer for more amber. It will keep spitting new pistils til the end. Your going to love the smoke.
Yea she’s a swamp monster alright. Lol. Eating up everything. It was hard to keep her green throughout!! She’s def a hungry girl!!! We’re you using co2?? I find she closes the gap real fast when she’s finishing, I’ll post more in a few days but usually by 56 she’s 85 amber on me!!! And I agree the smoke is fantastic!! Great uplifting, but still smash you in the face, without the couch lock lol.
Hell yeah, I missed that it's not your first of her. I'm down to my last seed and have been thinking of make s1's to keep her around. Nice grow, enjoy.