brownish roots


I am using an aeroponics system and noticed where my roots are not in the water they are slightlty brown but where they sit in the water they are white and look good. Is this normal or a problem?


hmmm not sure you know what i am talking about. my aeroponics is all in one resevoir with a pipe in the middle with sprinklers. i could put 30 gallons or more in there but currently only have 12. the roots are growing longer every day and now in the resevoir water. so what am i suppose to do?


Well-Known Member
nothing. Your fine. As long as you have some root exposed to air and the water is oxygenated. Happy growing. PS if your nutes are organic it causes slight browning. But your fine.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm i know exactly what your talking about. you could either
1. put another container under the one you have to use as your res and put the water/ sumbersible pump in that so the one your plants are in give your roots maximum space. just get a longer tube to connect the pump to your sprayer manifold... that is what aeroponics is growing in air.
2. if you dont do that then you will need to get an airpump and airstones and put those in the water to keep it aerated or the roots sitting in it will rot.... if you do this you will have yourself an aeroponic/dwc system.