Brownish/Red sap when topped?!? Anyone seen this before?

Sorry, a little more info about it. I received 8 clones from a coworker, none of the others are doing it, milky normal sap when topped. Coworker says none of his are showing dark sap either. All receiving the same nutrients. How can this be?
Clones were a mix of Candyland, Casey Jones and Cherry Pie, i don't know which is which because he did not label them(that's another story).
That's due to elevated levels of Carotene and/or Anthrocyanin in the sap.
Most likely with a yellowing compound like Xanthophyll or a Flavone being present too..Flavonol is another yellowing compound in plants...
Those are traveling in the Phloam sap to be more detailed.
That's due to elevated levels of Carotene and/or Anthrocyanin in the sap.
Most likely with a yellowing compound like Xanthophyll or a Flavone being present too..Flavonol is another yellowing compound in plants...
Those are traveling in the Phloam sap to be more detailed.
So is it anything to be concerned about? Plant looks healthy and vigorous, just have never seen this before and neither has anybody locally.
So is it anything to be concerned about? Plant looks healthy and vigorous, just have never seen this before and neither has anybody locally.
There are a few strains that do this, off top of my head Bodhi's Dragon blood and some of its crosses display this trait.
Not a problem, just pretty cool.
First time I encountered 'blood' sap was during a grow of some seeds I found in a bag of 'Gainesville Green' brought home from school in the early 80's. I had the same reaction as yours-WTF is this??? Some of the strains I've run over the years will also do this-nothing to worry about like the Doc noted-just the plant expressing itself.
InkedInked20180428_162846_LI.jpg The Strawberry Glue i am doing now did the same ,it was a goo though ,sticky .Just sap nowt to worry about.Couple of week left with it ,I think its a natural Defence from the plant to cap the cut of to stop any thing getting into the stem.The Goo mine had left dried hard , Come Good in the end The Plants got a week,to 12 days left and it .is one of the best looking and smelling strains i have. done ,never cloned it either ,it stinks,Pungent smell.It only happens if there is a break in a stem of take a leaf off,so could be interesting if it does it during pruning.This is what she looks like now.View attachment 4129518
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Going to Oil ,Just have a feeling it will be really good meds made into oil ,gonna try the bottoms and leaf first,trim the tops up and jar them to smoke,I know the other strain im doing works great for all my medical needs.But just have a feeling this will be top night time meds,
Quick observation...

The plant tells me it got nutes just a tic high. The amount of tip burn is the clue....
N appears high, with the dark looking leaf colors..

N lower a bit. Drop it a whole point at 2-3 weeks to go and up the P and Ca a bit at that time (Ca only, not Mg, so no Ca/Mg combo's). You'll enjoy higher Concentrations of the THC compounds
ANY P/K supplementing should stop when you lower the N at those last weeks - except for the slight upping of the P, say 1% or 1.0 point. Sometimes I like 2%, depending on the strains reactions to it.
Quick observation...

The plant tells me it got nutes just a tic high. The amount of tip burn is the clue....
N appears high, with the dark looking leaf colors..

N lower a bit. Drop it a whole point at 2-3 weeks to go and up the P and Ca a bit at that time (Ca only, not Mg, so no Ca/Mg combo's). You'll enjoy higher Concentrations of the THC compounds
ANY P/K supplementing should stop when you lower the N at those last weeks - except for the slight upping of the P, say 1% or 1.0 point. Sometimes I like 2%, depending on the strains reactions to it.
Thanks for the reply, i will post pictures of her when shes in bud. She is still showing same color when pruned, i have only been giving it half dose of fox farm big bloom, using fox farm ocean forest soil so far about every third watering. Sap dries almost black where pruned. It is very interesting thats for sure.I will keep you posted.
Going to Oil ,Just have a feeling it will be really good meds made into oil ,gonna try the bottoms and leaf first,trim the tops up and jar them to smoke,I know the other strain im doing works great for all my medical needs.But just have a feeling this will be top night time meds,
I LOVE my oil meds!