browning, dying leaves. with brown spots?




heres my situation. i hav a clone from the clinik in long beach, some thunder fuk (not alaskin). i bot it bout 2 1/2 weeks ago, took her home and planted her in Osh brand ready to use potting soil with added fertalizers. the 'guaranteed analysis' on the back sais the soil has round 6.0 PH, .19%nitrogen, .20%phosphoric acid (P2O5), .06%soluble potash (K2O), .21% iron (fe). the soil said not to give nutrients for 4weeks after planting.she had got some powder mold on her some how, but i got rid of it in 3days by spraying her 2x a day with water and a cuple drops of dawn dish soap, hasnt come back. i water em evry couple of days or wen the soil is dry then over water alil bit and let the extra drain out, as well as mist them 2-3x a day, but heres the main problem... the older leaves (not just the bottom ones, threw out the plants stem) tips are turning yellow, then brown, then there seems to be som sort of spotting of yellow and brown on the leaf soon after. it just continues until the leaf is compleatly dead and falls off. i thot it was just cuz plants shed ther older leaves somtimes and blahblahblah, but now it seems to be happening to the new grownth as well. i got a fan on osilate at all times (fan acually has a 'imitate nature' button and its on that). for lighting i got a imitation sunglow lamp (for lizards) and an extra 90watts flood lamp, i know its not the BEST lighting in the world, but im broke.. so i do with wat i do. theres is another plant i started form sead right next to the thunder fuk in same light,soil, air, everything.. and its doing just fine... they wer both transplanted into the soil at same time. seed is prolly round 4weeks of growth out from te seed. i gew 2plants last year with the same treatment im giving them.. but with out the 90watt light and the soil was drained of nutrients. ( i live in the high desert and i just used that but as u can see the pik on the left <--- they came out just fine... iread alot bout this, people say its too much watering, too little watering (wich i cant see it being iether one of those) and some people say its a nutrient problem.. but im hoping the piks of my one plant will help.... som1 help my bitch... she sick and i think shes gunna die!!!:wall: oh and if u see this some wear els in the journals or wat ever its cuz i dont know how to post things... but im figuren it out

Smucker G

Active Member
The soil sad dont fert for 4 weeks and you did at the first water? Is that right? Maybe nute burn. I would flush it out and see how it does on straight water for a few days.
Good luck


thnx to both rhino and smucker. its a good possibility for nut burn cuz i never really flushed them wen i transplanted them.. ill flush it out and wait a few days if it worsens ill get a ph tester and check that.. thnx


well.... no piks right now.. but the dying leaves in the ppiks above, died, so i plucked em off. so now it looks like a twig with hardly any leaves on it... i flushed out both the pots with bout 5x the amount the pots can hold. trees still look a lil down there growing still, ut just so darn slow. the new leaves comen out look alright, but the very tips are still turning brwown.. idk i used fukd up desert dirt the 1st timme i grew added no ferts and the plants loved it. i try and do somethen for em this time and they die.. wtf! anyways, weather they die or live ill put piks up som day.. till next time


Long time.. no chat.. the taller older plant dies.. fuk that shitty.clone.. my moms had same one.. grown bout 2in.. but the little one has grown alot. I got a few more growing now.. all i gotta say is "super thrive". Its the best hormone shit u can buy.. look for it in ur local plant/hydro store.. i gave her a drop ina feeding every 2weeks. And shes looken good. Just put her on 12/12.. ill let u know how buds turn out...and i cant seen to figure out how to post the pik from my phone... it wants some sort of http thongy and im too high to fuk wit it...