Brown yellow leafs(pics)

IMG_0242.jpgHello guys new to I was recommended by a friend to go here to for information on my garden. Anyways let me give you an idea of whats I have going on. I am using the t5 sunblaze 44 florescent lighting for my veg(4 4ft 100w tubes), and for soil I use fox farm ocean forest potting soil in 5gallon pots water every 4-6 days. when I adopted this clone from my buddy it had just little yellow spots, so I assumed it was a nitrogen deficiency, and on my first water I use some bio marine cold processed squid 2-3-1 at its lowest dose 2tsp I believe. It seam to have worsen the problem so I just started using water. its seam to have stopped the problem then 2 weeks later i take clones and the same problem has came back its only happening to about 10% of the plants leafs. Anyone els have this problem I heard it pretty common but i'v never seen it happen from the inside out. If you need more info let me know. Thanks guys.bongsmilie(had to put this)
Just went out and bought a Ph tester and i'm at 6.5 roughly I did 3 test. I don't know what marijuana likes its Ph at, but the info that was on the box said most plants like 6.5. My temp is at 73-83 depends on the time of day i dont have a humidity gauge thoe, but that might be my problem I noticed this happen after I put the humidity box for my clones next to it, but I never close my closet door so it should be to bad. Its about 2.5ft tall if I where to have it grow upright. thank you for you response sry it took me awile to get back to you.IMG_0243.jpg