Brown tips after Mite Battle. Pics included


Active Member
Hey guys, a little BG for ya. I got there 3 weeks ago. They came with mites. Had the battle, used alcohol and after that a DR Doom fog Bomb. Needless to say they suffered from the combination of all that. So now it's been about 4 days after the bomb, and things are looking much better. The thing is, some of the older leaves a reallly curling, and nearly all of the newer growth has brown tips. 68F res temp, 80F air temp, 45% Relative Humidity in the room. 600PPM in one res 500PPM in the other. General hydro nutrients. 5.8-6.2PH never higher never lower. Using 1000W HPS lights about 24 inches away from the plants. The mites seems to have gone, but now I'm starting a foliar with neem every couple days. What do you guys think. Cheers.


