Brown Spots, Girls Slowly Dying Help!


Active Member
hi, i have tryed to find cause to my plant problems several topics here, but the symptomes are slightly diffrent than any of the pictures show in these help topic`s, sorry i dont have camera of my own,so no pictures.

i´m running bioponic aeroflo whit dripping rings and ghe bio sevia nutrients whit additives of mineral magic, bio magic bacteria and blacktreackle molasses & hesi super vit.. on medium of rockwool and claybeeples on the top.

they are all in same point (24days in flower) and only 2 (kali mist´s) little ones are really bad the 4(speed queen,blueberry) bigger plants dont show any of the symptomes.
first they make lots of dark brown spots what are almost thru the leaf tissue and the spots are circle shaped diameter of 0,5-1mm and there lots of spots, they first show in lower leafs then they go up leafs, after that the leafs are going yellow from the bottom and the top leafs are curling turnin brown and yellow and pointing upwards, and being crispyfrom the tips.

i tryed to give them pure mg from drugstore 2 teaspoons to 40liters and foliar feeded them whit !/3 teaspoon mg to 1L water, and it went only worse... because these plants are kali mist´s what have the problem and the other ones what are indicas, i thought they wanted more mg and it was the cause but no i was wrong.

next week of doing that i added molasses what have mg - ca and carbos in it and it didint help, the symptomes are getting worse.
my ph have stayed range of 5.5-6.5 hole grow time as ec 700-850 ppm what are in scale of manufactors instructions to this nutrients. temps have been 23celsius in night and 29celsius in day, lights are 600hps and 200w purple cfl.

our town had problem whit bacteria in tapwater due lightning melted the water filter system, and they have been added chlorine to our water so i used this product the get the chlorine out
the label says it removes all hard metals/chlorine from the water to make it safe to fish, could this product make some of the necessary minerals and nutrients lock out too from the plant?
anyway i
ed the pots and cleaned the container and maked new mix whit out this aqua safe letting the water evoporate 3 days in bucket . i hope them get better as theyr are all of my source to smoking and have been 4 months whit out the herb now.
sorry for the bad english. any help is appericiated.