Brown Roots - Pics!


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I let my res dry out while I was on vacation, 2 of my 3 plants seem to be recovering but the roots have turned brown!

Could this just be from the brownish nute colored solution, or is there a problem at hand? And if so, how do I remedy it? First grow, all help appriciated


P0t Sm0k3r

Active Member
My roots look similar. Im doin a DWC bubbler, using FF nutes.

I notice your using a clear res, I would change it to something dark. Clear res will promote algae. I would also suggust a air pump.

How big is that res btw? Space looks limited. Are you using any nutes for anything?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply pot. The res is light proof. That's just a container I used to catch water.

I'm know up to 500ppm of Flora Nova Bloom Formula. Room is extremely limited, my res only holds about a quart filled to the top. I'm lookin around now for a replacement res that will fit in the setup. This is my first grow and I bought a PC Grow Bow from Homegrown-Hydroponics. It's not a bad set up but it needs massive modifications, and certainly not worth what I paid for it. Homegrown-Hydroponics is the worst company I've ever dealt with in my life, truly sad.

Anyway, lets focus on the problem at hand. Any idea why the roots turned brown?


Active Member
Had a similar looking problem on my first DWC, ***however, it wasn't due to a dry-up.*** I treated it like root rot, and that fixed the problem. Pretty much all that brown root is going to be mostly dead root soon, so you have to grow new roots now asap.

GL hope your still vegging


Well-Known Member
Thanks Heavy,

Can you give me an idea how to treat it like root rot and grow new roots?!?! Sorry newb here