I use to do this method for over 20 years, the only guy I know who does this old timer method is Rumpleforeskin on GC,
most of this has been replaces with those hanging nylon nets, or guys like me that do the water cure method....good to see these old ways still being tested!
I've done similar methods as well, especially in low humidity, I've done that multiple times, only instead of shredded dry paper I use trimmed sunleaves.
I've had good luck with about an inch layer of sunleaves on the top to slow down the transpiration, just gotta be sure it's dry enough, if you do that in humid weather... you'll be sorry.
Works well though.
Very nice cure, typically a week on the bags is enough time, with the RH obviously playing a factor.
I've also done orange peels, lemon peels, banana peels and so on to help keep the moisture levels high.
just DONT do that in anything other than either cardboard boxes or paper bags.
NOTHING sealed...
That's only if it's dry as hell out though.
i'm a lil oldschool, I don't trim anything off the plant for at least 3-5 days.
every "wound" makes the plant lose it juices/water that much quicker, which in my experience, can lead to a harsh smoke.
For my liking the slowest cure possible is the best.
I've even been pondering harvesting the plants simply by not watering them, and putting them in the dark.
Sorta like curing with their roots still in the soil.
Seems like a lot of work though, but i'm curious if the cure would taste any different.