Brown Paper Bags


Active Member
Whats up fellas?

I have a harvest coming up soon and was just curious on the final verdict of drying in brown paper bags? I’ve never tried it before, seems convenient.

I came across a 50 pages thread on autoflower where people are swearing by it?

I normally dry in my tent but I can’t do that this go around. I can hang and dry in the garage but temps are 50f, maybe even dipping below.

I’m hearing that chopping, wet trimming, and chopping into golf ball sized buds works best. Single layer on the bottom of the bag, give it a light little shake once or twice a day. Should take between 3-10 days.

Let me know what you think, Cheers
I always use a brown paper bag, but its my second step. I have tried lots of methods over the years, and my usual go to is pretty simple, and has proven to work very well for me.

I harvest, and immediately remove all leaves with a stem I can easily pluck off. This is 100% of the fan leaves which go in the trash, and then typically some of the largest sugar leaves which I save for concentrates. Then I will either hang the buds on the branches to dry or break them into nugs with sugar leaves attached and let them dry on a rack. The difference is in the season in the winter its real dry hear and I can hang dry them. In the summer it's really humid here, so I break them down to help them dry more evenly. Anyway in either case they typically dry for about a week like this. They will feel slightly crispy on the outside edge, but are still soft inside(not wet, just soft). Thats when they go in a paper bag. I break them into bugs at this point if its not already done, and they will spend a few days in the bag. I check it and shake it around every day to make sure all the buds are evening out and end up dried just right every time. Usually I'll smoke some everyday and decide when its just right, and then it goes in jars or bags and stays there until it gets smoked. I've NEVER had mold in a jar, and anyone that trys my buds compliments them even though they don't know I grow them.