Broken seedlings


Well-Known Member
Nooooooooooooooo I have just removed my propogator lid to check my 2 day old seedlings................the lid slipped and broke 2. They didnt completly come apart but the tops did snap. I have proped them bk in place, my question is will they heal or not????


Well-Known Member
GK I recently lost a seedling too, it sucked. A seedling poped out of my flowering tanks 5 weeks into rotation. I was moving things around snapped it. Figured it wouldn't make it on Bloom Nutes anyway. I have a clone in my tank that is flowering now, at 10 in. tall. ( Nice ) :-)


Well-Known Member
they are too small to tape, I will put some pics on tomorow,I dont wana disturb them anymore, and we will see if they dead or what!


Well-Known Member
Probably dead, Good Luck, my one looks dead. I didn't remove it, but it's the one shoot, leaf side broken off. I don't think like a main stem it will grow, but it is still stiff up, so I left it. Leave it.