Broke Plant!!!


Active Member
my plant branch broke!!! becuse the bud was too big and its so heavey
so i cut it annd put it in soil will it still grow?

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
Unless the thing broke all the way through, next time you may want to first try and repair it. You would be amazed at how some badly damaged stems can still stay alive and heal. Recently I tied up a couple of branches that had snapped at least 75 percent of the way through and they are doing very good. I had another main stalk break almost all the way through and I repaired that fully as well early in the year.

I splint it and tie up or brace the upper part above the break and then loosely tape over the break. If in a day or two the leaves are all wilting and you know it won't rebound, you can always harvest it then.

I don't know if you bud is going to root or continue to grow. Me personally if I were in this dilemna, I would watch it very closely and at the first sign that it won't make it, I'd go ahead and trim and cure it so it doesn't go completely to waste.


Well-Known Member
Unless the thing broke all the way through, next time you may want to first try and repair it. You would be amazed at how some badly damaged stems can still stay alive and heal. Recently I tied up a couple of branches that had snapped at least 75 percent of the way through and they are doing very good. I had another main stalk break almost all the way through and I repaired that fully as well early in the year.

I splint it and tie up or brace the upper part above the break and then loosely tape over the break. If in a day or two the leaves are all wilting and you know it won't rebound, you can always harvest it then.

I don't know if you bud is going to root or continue to grow. Me personally if I were in this dilemna, I would watch it very closely and at the first sign that it won't make it, I'd go ahead and trim and cure it so it doesn't go completely to waste.
I think he already cut it off, and if that is the case, then I would dry it cure it and smoke it, and then while I am baked think to myself, I should have braced those branches before the fell over to begin with, I will remember that next time ;)... check my journal... last couple pages I have been whining about my GDP getting weighed over (she still has 3 1/2 to 4 weeks to go).


Well-Known Member
If it roots it will go, Did you have any rooting hormone? If not just keep the roots wet and protected from light and she may take, keep an eye on moisture. You will know in a week or so if it is living or dying.


Active Member
thanks atom bomb!!! and i tryed to tape it back but it didnt work!!! so im try this and if this dont work im just gotta harvest it


Active Member
lol its the plant branch that was to heavy dude i said that!!!! Thats a big dint off the plant tho but not tooo bad


Well-Known Member
if that is the branch, then I wouldn't even waste my time with it if I was you. There is a very good chance it won't root, and if it does, it could very easily go hermie, or all the buds will just die off. dry, cure, and smoke, or make hash or butter or something.


Active Member
Isn't there a technique called super-cropping, where people intentionally snap the branch?