bringing a baby into this world while growing. opinions please?

okay to start this off i want to mention the fact that i am a pot smoker myself & i love the idea of growing for free weed.
but here is my dilemma:
my boyfriend and i live in a 2 bedroom apt. i have a job and he doesnt currently. but he is trying to start a grow room. dont get me wrong, he is doing well right now. & i am NOT against the idea of what he is doing.
the thing that kinda has me on the edge about this whole idea is the fact that i am pregnant, and due in august. therefore, by the time this all starts budding and all the weed starts coming, my baby is going to be just a room over from all of this.
one of the problems is: i feel that if anything happens, they can call someone and get my child taken away from me for unsafe & illegal things happening in my home.
the other problem is: i know that his mom and my mom are going to want to come over every once in a while to help out and visit with the baby. and the fact that they may be able to smell it, or see the light from the closet, or accidentally go in that closet scares me.
another problem is: the fact that we dont exactly have the money right now to be throwing into making and keeping up with a grow room because of the many expenses of bringing a child into this world.

i would just like to know what you guys would do in a situation like this where the baby needs to come first instead of the plants.
i have tried to see this from his point of view as much as possible. but he just sees it as a hobby and a source of potential income (which could lead to getting caught, like i said).

dont care what your opinions are, just try to see it in both points of view.
thank you.

comment away.(:


Well-Known Member
I would say bad idea. some states are harder then others. But most would take your kid if you had a "grow op" and even if they didn't you would have to deal with the state to keep your child. I grow and say take the kids. then they can be your problem. lol
j/k. might find a place out of the house.


Well-Known Member
in the same position myself my gf is pregnant with our 1st child due in oct n i got a grow in the next room, personally im planning to stop for the birth n until i can move to a larger house then start up again, im in the UK it aint easy to get a decent job at the mo with limited skills like myself i have said to my gf would she rather me work 60-70hr aweek in some shitty job earning half of what i can n never being around for me kid?


Well-Known Member
I would say bad idea. some states are harder then others. But most would take your kid if you had a "grow op" and even if they didn't you would have to deal with the state to keep your child. I grow and say take the kids. then they can be your problem. lol
j/k. might find a place out of the house.

the us is crazy at times! would they seriously put a kid in care just for a small grow op? in the uk that would never happen.


Active Member
LOL you must not have kids...I think as long as both of you don't tell a soul about the op, you'll be fine. Better yet tell him to grow auto-flowering-lowryders so they'll be done in 2 months flat.


New Member
I would simply say... forget it.

I can see blowing a joint every now and again... but putting weed aside for a moment..... a person with kids in the house should NOT be conducting illegal activities while they live in the house as minors. Any illegal activity.

Trix are for kids.... weed is not. Neither is watching cops knocking at the door and taking Mommy away. Not good.

Don't put your habit/preference over the childs....ever.
the thing is that he has already started this. hes at the stage where they have started budding. and all of his close friends already know about this. and they are cheering him on for his idea because they are planning to get some free weed out of it.
i believe he is planning on growing about 4 plants. and yes, we are in the US. so they will call child services if my kid is caught in the middle of this. and that is the only reason why i am not agreeing to what he is doing.


Well-Known Member
he just sees it as a hobby and a source of potential income
It is. It's just a plant. Growing cannabis will not endanger your baby and will benefit you greatly both financially and bodily in the difficult period of raising a newborn child. The only danger comes from not being completely safe about it! You can never have too many layers of security. :peace: and good luck.


Well-Known Member
the thing is that he has already started this. hes at the stage where they have started budding. and all of his close friends already know about this. and they are cheering him on for his idea because they are planning to get some free weed out of it.
i believe he is planning on growing about 4 plants. and yes, we are in the US. so they will call child services if my kid is caught in the middle of this. and that is the only reason why i am not agreeing to what he is doing.
yeah fuck that! im in the UK and things are very different, ava word with ya man basically hes risking ya unborn childs welfare for 4 plants???
If you live in a state with medicinal mj, have your boyfriend try and get a recommendation. I live in Washington and my ex-boss had a recommendation for insomnia.


Well-Known Member
I have empathy for your situation.....perhaps there is no one answer that nullifies all your concerns......BUT...IMHO......first thing to solve needs to get a job to reduce the pressure of finances.....second...either wind down the growing for a while or seek an alternative location for flowering as the smell will definitely out more on the first.....

Bottom line, the child comes first and all that pertains to bringing a child into the world takes precedence. Inside Growing season is always ON....a short stoppage shoouldn't be a problem.....

After replying, I saw where "his friends" KNOW......bad, bad, bad....tell NO ONE when growin....


New Member
the thing is that he has already started this. hes at the stage where they have started budding. and all of his close friends already know about this. and they are cheering him on for his idea because they are planning to get some free weed out of it.
i believe he is planning on growing about 4 plants. and yes, we are in the US. so they will call child services if my kid is caught in the middle of this. and that is the only reason why i am not agreeing to what he is doing.
Well, that's two strikes already. kid in the house.... and other ppl know about the grow. FFS ... be careful.


Well-Known Member
had a guy in town. got busted for a grow I think 6 plants. he got a year. no served time out on work release. State got the kids and he has to have supervison to see the kids. that had nothing to with the courts that was all cps. I guess they got the court order. not to mentoin he has to pay the bill for the state taking care of his kids.


Active Member
hey bong,
I am growing in a pc box very cheap to make and get started. I am using some bagseeds and spent less than 100 total for everything. I have a thread on here showing my progress, im inot the end of week 2 and doing great.

very stealth and able to hide in a closet. MY Girlfriend dosnt even know im growing and I have a two year old.

Just IMO,

no. we live in illinois. so there is no medical marijuana here. if there was, like i said, i wouldnt have a problem. but since it is completely illegal and not taken gently in our state, i hate the idea of this.

and yes, finding a job would be a great idea. except he spends all of his time researching stuff for his plants and taking carre of them. he never looks for a job. i guess you can say he is pretty lazy about that.


Active Member
well bong, theres an old country saying ,

"you cant fix stupid".
if you dont like your situatuin tell him about it and then give him a choice. Seriously look what im doing it is very stealth and low-key.



Well-Known Member
If you live in a state with medicinal mj, have your boyfriend try and get a recommendation. I live in Washington and my ex-boss had a recommendation for insomnia.
buddy has his card. In wa someone turned in his grow. cops called him said they were comming to check his paper work. then wanted to see his grow. He told them no problem when you get a warrent to enter my house. next day cps was there. Don't know for sure what happened but he is still growing and the kids are still there. he does have the grow under lock and key and the kids are not his.


New Member
You are pretty tolerant for a woman about to have a baby. But that's not always a good thing sometimes.

Is he looking to make INCOME with the weed? Once you break ur circle out into the public.... it's a different ball game altogether.

Weed should be a hobby only. :wink:


Well-Known Member
no. we live in illinois. so there is no medical marijuana here. if there was, like i said, i wouldnt have a problem. but since it is completely illegal and not taken gently in our state, i hate the idea of this.

and yes, finding a job would be a great idea. except he spends all of his time researching stuff for his plants and taking carre of them. he never looks for a job. i guess you can say he is pretty lazy about that.
what dus he think he will be able to do with the yield from 4plants? if ya gonna go that route no point messing around. make it worth the risk cause it sounds like a BIG risk in your country/state, some1 just posted that they no of some1 who had there kids taken away for 6plants!