Brand new grower. (Questions)

-=I am sorry for the long post ahead of time=-

Ok, so i have been browsing this site all day trying to find out as much about growing as i can before i get too far into it and its too late to fix any problem that may arise.
Right now i am not at any real stage, and i dont have a problem, just a few questions that i am finding it hard to find answers to.

My situation: I was helping my brother's GF clean out his room to move in to and we found a box that has some Holland secret nutes. it has a root serum for clones, vitamin-b stuff that is suppose to help reduce shock from transplanted crops. Also of course it has the Bada Bing, Bada Bang, Bada Bloom products as well. We both thought it'd be interesting to see what we could grow from about 10 seeds i have from one of my bags that i had about a month ago. I am doing this in a closet about 3x2x10, i have lined it with some tin foil and have 2 lamps with 26w CFL bulbs in them.

I have tried growing once before with a incandescent bulb, a tupaware box and some gardening soil. They did sprout, grew to about 3 or 4 inches and died. Now that i have done some research about the subject i can guess that the issue could've been: I didn't move the light at all during the time and they were on a 6-6 schedule (rather than the 24-0 or 18-6 ideal schedule) and they could've burned. there was no circulation of air.

At the moment i am germinating 3 seeds nothing has cracked yet, but i am trying to set up my grow space before they do.

My question:

With the nutes people are saying numbers like 25-5-5 for sprouts and 5-15-15 for the growing, or w/e the actual numbers are. I know that these are referring to the NPK of the mixture. My concern is how do i get a number like that with my nutes, the numbers on them right now are
Bada Bing: 2-1-7
Bada Bang: 5-0-2
Bada Bloom: 0-6-4

I will be updating this thread with updates on my progress and other questions so i don't make multiple threads. I have already downloaded a torrent which has 33 books about growing and other subjects relating to the subject.

Any links or advice to a brand new grower would be great, thanks ahead of time.