Branch is dead :(


hi guys,

First of all I would like to thank you all for providing this really great resource. I'm learning a lot.
My plant is one week into flower and overnight, the lowest branch seems to have withered. the rest of the plat seems ok. If something is wrong I would not notice it on only one branch...right? The branch has lost its greenish colour and it looks completely dead and it does not seem to be damaged (broken). I will post photos of the branch later today. in the meantime, any ideas?



Active Member
im not sure wot it could be but if it is just one branch then the plant is probably ok. you should get the info off someone soon enough.


Active Member
If you have a branch that looks sick and withered, yet is not broken, it's probably an infection of some kind. An infection can start at a single point in a plant, then spread slowly to the to the base of the branch and from there to the rest of the plant. Remove the affected branch near the stem using a sterile (wipe with alcohol) knife or pruner, and discard it well away from your grow area. Then inspect the rest of the plant for anything that looks suspicious. When you remove sickly branches, don't be shy. Remove the whole branch since you don't know how far the infection has progressed inside the branch. If it's already withered one branch, you know it's a serious problem, and dealing with it aggressively may save the rest of the plant.