boys or girls??


do you have to wait till plants are turned to 12/12 before you can tell if they are girls are not?

i have been given 5 plants and they have been vegging for about 3weeks on 18/6 400w white light (not sure what the proper name is!!) and not sure how old they were or what strain they are when i got them.

its just that i have noticed a couple of little hairs appearing on the base of each stem on the main not sure if they are boys or girls.

not sure if they are small or not for their age/.....they are about 12inches at mo and very compact with leaves and stems......

they are in a secret jardine in a shed in the garden so at present the temps are not ideal.....its a bit cold!!! so would that also stunt their growth!!!



Active Member
if they are showing pistols they are females i dont see any put in 12-12 and you will now i 2 weeks.


thank you for all your advice...much appreciated.......i am going to leave them to veg for another 2weeks.....cut back on watering for the next few days.....then will give them a feed.....


Well-Known Member
thank you for all your advice...much appreciated.......i am going to leave them to veg for another 2weeks.....cut back on watering for the next few days.....then will give them a feed.....
No worries, I don't give my plants water for 2-3 days, and when i water i give each plant just enough to get it through its next 3 days until the next water. Your plants can learn and when you lesson the water supply randomly they adjust of ways to use it better.


Active Member
try to keep temp if all possible between 70-85 you will be a lot happier. and keep in mind your plants will double in size if not triple.