Boveda not holding humidity


Active Member
Living in a really low humidity climate at the moment. RH is around 20-25% in the room where I have my grow tent which I also used to hang the weed to dry.

After 5 days of hanging (the nuggets were crisp to the touch, some stems a lil bendy but others snapped) I put the weed into a 22 liter container with three different humidity meters and let it stabilize for a couple of hours.

The humidity rise to about 40% and started to plateau. All of the three humidity meters were within 3% of each other so I think the reading is somewhat reliable. One of the meters is IoT device which I can read remotely as I am not able to visit the place where I grow/dry every day.

I put a 62% Boveda size 67 pack into the container and left.

I've been monitoring the humidity now for two and a half days and the humidity has reached 67.5% and is still climbing. The rate the RH is rising is getting smaller and smaller but shouldn't it have stopped already and stabilized around 61-63% if the Boveda is doing what it's supposed to? Even with the margin of error of my humidity meters the humidity is already too high.

I'm now forced to go on-site and burp the container and let it breathe for some hours and see where the humidity goes without the pack. But I can't stay there for long and will just have to rinse&repeat the same process and hope the humidity doesn't go as high again.

Any insights or opinions?
What kind of container is it in? Also how much bud are you trying to cure? Five days is a quick dry. It sounds like it was too moist and you aren't using enough packs to pull it down. It's easier for them to add than subtract moisture.
I use a whole 20 pack at a time. The more the faster. I also aim my RH level a few degrees lower during the drying process and bump them back up with the Bovedas.
It's a plastic container, not 100% airtight but closed nevertheless. I've added some extra weight on top of the lid to help the top stay more tight on the sides. Regardless, at this situation, it not being 100% airtight would be a good things as the humidity in the room is much much lower than the humidity inside the container.


I don't have a weight estimate atm as I didn't weight them. Boveda says the size 67 is good up to 450grams. I might be a lil bit over that.
If the burping doesn't seem to help I'll add another size 67 pack into the mix tomorrow.
It's a plastic container, not 100% airtight but closed nevertheless. I've added some extra weight on top of the lid to help the top stay more tight on the sides. Regardless, at this situation, it not being 100% airtight would be a good things as the humidity in the room is much much lower than the humidity inside the container.

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I don't have a weight estimate atm as I didn't weight them. Boveda says the size 67 is good up to 450grams. I might be a lil bit over that.
If the burping doesn't seem to help I'll add another size 67 pack into the mix tomorrow.
One pack would work to keep it at 62% in an airtight container, but it would dry or max out before it got there if you're trying to move the RH very far. An lb is a lot, man. The thing is getting horsed well beyond what it's capable of. I do between 4 and 8 oz at a time, and that takes around 3 to 4 days usually. I use 20 at a time, and that's only to push the RH a few degrees upward.

Also I noticed that if the room is warm it works a lot faster. I put mine on a shelf near my ceiling. You don't want it hot, but the colder the slower.