Boveda 62?


Well-Known Member
I burp and only put these in for storage if I know I won't be opening a jar for weeks, though they claim you can use these and not have to burp but I've heard mixed results some saying it take away from flavor. Also I've heard you can rehydrate these after 6mo or so, but I can't recall the specifics.


Well-Known Member
Can I hijack slightly? Good,
Suppose someone was,um,high,and left their packs out for a reaaaaaaally really long time,and they turned hard and crunchy,are salvageable ? How?
Hijack ends in 3,2,....

Al Yamoni

Well-Known Member
Can I hijack slightly? Good,
Suppose someone was,um,high,and left their packs out for a reaaaaaaally really long time,and they turned hard and crunchy,are salvageable ? How?
Hijack ends in 3,2,....
You can use a salt water solution to rehydrate them. Not sure about the specifics but a quick Google search related to those terms will bring it right up.


Active Member
Do you burb like Normal curing useing b62 packs? Or just keep jars shut? Also packs are turning a bit hard. Some small pebbles formed inside. Does this still work?
IMO Iv'e obtained best results drying until stems snap, jarring and burping for about 1 week then throw 1 62pack per mason jar, no burp needed, had a smell stronger and more distinct than it did while alive, bud was sticky but not damp, broke up nice, good taste, even burn, white ash.

I tried throwing dried bud in then 1 62pack and not opening the jar, in about 1 week it had a hay smell again like mid dry.

Im sure there's a way to rehydrate the packs, but I get them on ebay for less than a dollar a pack w/ free shipping, IMO if you've gone through all the trouble and expense to produce quality bud why skimp at one of the most crucial parts of the process.
On avg I get 6+ months use out of packs I keep in containers that get opened from once a day to once a week. The more the container is opened the quicker the pack dries out, I never experienced pebbles, the pack just solidified over time.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Grojak. Don't put the packs in until after burping. They're best for storage. When I tried put them in before full cure, it's like the bud stays just a little wet...

mr mustache

Well-Known Member
Can I hijack slightly? Good,
Suppose someone was,um,high,and left their packs out for a reaaaaaaally really long time,and they turned hard and crunchy,are salvageable ? How?
Hijack ends in 3,2,....
LOL. I keep doing that. Take a mason jar. Soak a paper towel in water and put it in the bottom. throw a few bovedas in and seal the jar. Wait 24 hours and you have fresh new bovedas.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Grojak. Don't put the packs in until after burping. They're best for storage. When I tried put them in before full cure, it's like the bud stays just a little wet...
Slow and low..I keep more funk my jarring right before snappy stems..burping anytime will only release anything over 62%,so it seems any cure type reaction in the flowers due to your method will result in the same..put cracker dry buds in with boveda,it'll rehydrate them to the same consistant 62% rh...put it wet buds,you'll need to burp till then just for release of humidity...all other points of curing are time/chemical related corresponding to the rh...
Same destination,different road...


Well-Known Member
I agree with Grojak. Don't put the packs in until after burping. They're best for storage. When I tried put them in before full cure, it's like the bud stays just a little wet...
Keep burping,it slows it down so the remains chlorophyll is used.makes for a little longer cure,but I highly recommend you try this..I did an experiment smoking an entire auto amnesia slowly this way,keeping mental notes..its a little more to keep your attention on,but I think makes a huge difference..I got the basis from last years harvests at my big grow @ this time of year..the whole grow is a house no one lives there,so the living room ins the drying stays @ 50/50 humidity/temp this time of year..takes forever it seems to get bud off the stem,but I've compared it to quicker jobs and its def a noticeable difference..
Low and slow..try it on just one nug in a small jar..can't hurt.


Well-Known Member
Keep burping,it slows it down so the remains chlorophyll is used.makes for a little longer cure,but I highly recommend you try this..I did an experiment smoking an entire auto amnesia slowly this way,keeping mental notes..its a little more to keep your attention on,but I think makes a huge difference..I got the basis from last years harvests at my big grow @ this time of year..the whole grow is a house no one lives there,so the living room ins the drying stays @ 50/50 humidity/temp this time of year..takes forever it seems to get bud off the stem,but I've compared it to quicker jobs and its def a noticeable difference..
Low and slow..try it on just one nug in a small jar..can't hurt.
You recommend what? Using boveda packets during burping phase? I live in a humid environment and it just seems like although I might get there eventually, adding humidity during burping would just slow it down, for no particular gain because the end result is the goal, not the time it takes to get there, right? The removal of chlorophyll will happen over time in an airtight environment, but you have to keep burping until you get to a safe storage RH, then the cure in maintainance free after that. I don't know, to each there own, I've tried packets, I have better results without. Even for storage I think 62% is okay, but I leave my buds out for at least a few hours before smoking, %62 is too high for good smoking in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
You can add to but not take away..
Put a bud in a jar that raises the r.h. to 75%,boveda ain't doing're still burping no matter what..
Dry it past bending to snap,you dried too quick..boveda repairs that a little, but damage is done with chlorophyll stuck in there.. It regulates 62% relative humidity,not 62% moisture in the bud...
Slower,longer allows for more chlorophyll/sugars to be metabolized..dry it quick,you essentially "freeze" the herb as far as curing...


Well-Known Member
Burping with a pack in the jar helps you reach that "perfect dry" line,without overstepping it if u use it right.