Bottom leaves yellowing and dying....upper inner leaves look strange...


Active Member
This is my first attempt at growing and I seem to be having a couple of problems. These are Autoberry feminized and the big girl is the one I am worried about. She is 28 days from seed. Her living conditions are a bit cramped but she has a new home arriving on Saturday. Her bottom leaves are yellowing, drying on edges and dying. The upper inner leaves are curling quite a bit which I am not sure if this is a problem or not. She is being fed General Hydro nutrients...ppm's are 550, room temp is 72. I hate to admit that I have no ph is arriving tomorrow. Any help is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Yes, those leaves curling over so terribly looks like a pH issue, which is probably causing the coloring issues. Plus it looks like hydro, so pH is much more crucial to keep in the right range of 5.7 ish to around 6 ish. Some growers go with 5.5 but I believe nutrients may play a factor in each growers sweet spot.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ya as a nute maker myself id suggest in hudro at 5.5 to 5.7 ishhigher is more for soiless and others. and is more strain dependant not nute brand dependant


Well-Known Member
Yes, those leaves curling over so terribly looks like a pH issue, which is probably causing the coloring issues. Plus it looks like hydro, so pH is much more crucial to keep in the right range of 5.7 ish to around 6 ish. Some growers go with 5.5 but I believe nutrients may play a factor in each growers sweet spot.
and some growers grow in hydro with out ever checking their "PH" (like me!). PH is something to blame a problem on, example; "OOHP, ur plants fucked up! must be ur PH!" but NO, it always goes a bit deeper then that, its look like u have over fertelized ur plant with nitrogen, the curling and clawing on the inside leafs and the dark color of green to it tells me that too, not some combination of letters that make no sence to me.

...nute, maker?:?:?


Active Member
Thanks all so much....I will straighten out ph if needed and I will back off on the nitrogen part of the mix and see if that helps...again thanks all...Gave reps to all!!

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well suberin on the roots prevents them from being over fed. a burn is always defficient. and is uslay cause we over fed and ph droppped making them not able to eat whats in the medium. yes over feeding the medium will pull the ph down but not enter the plant. ive had that look and not fed them anything.

ya fuzzy...i work for a major nute co.


Well-Known Member
The way I would think plucking the leaves would help is that so the plant doesn't even bother trying to repair's obviously gone so why should the plant put more energy into trying to bring it back. Makes sense in my book. Then again this is my first grow but logic is logic to me...sorry if I sound dickish def not trying to be.


Well-Known Member
Well the plant is not going to try and repair the growth. But it will continue to use up all available energy from that growth until it is gone. Plus sometimes when growth is removed it may inadvertently damage part of the plant, like pulling a leaf and it holding on and pulling the skin off part of the stalk.


Well-Known Member
gumball I only assumed one would actually use scissors or something to cut rather than actually pulling the leaves. My apologies if I misinterpreted that part agree 100% about not "pulling" but rather trimming.


Well-Known Member
Yeah 420marine, I would hope so, but we have all cut a corner here or there, and sometimes its best to leave thing alone if only for aesthetics. We are all still students ya know :)



Active Member
Thanks for the input guys...Removed the bottom leaves a while back and all is good now. The girls have been in there new home for a couple of weeks now and are loving it! You can check out my progress with the link below. Thanks!!

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
the plant sure does try and spend energy to rebuild them damnaged leaves and takes away from the rest of it. they can shut any part of themself down to do repairs or send foods to deff ereas