Bottom leaves with tiny rust spots, please help


Active Member
Light: 400watt MH 6" cool tube
Fan: 6" Inline fan 400cfm
Tent: 5x5x6.5
Temp: 72-85
Humidity: 40-80
Fetilizer: Fox farms Advanced Nutes
Setup: DWC
ph: 5.2-5.9
EC: about 2.0 (going to flush as soon as i get new pH meter since the one i had broke)
Media: Rockrool / Hydroton
Strain: Ice

To my question. I have done hours of research, my first diagonosis was magnesius def so i give epsom salt starting at 1 tsp per gal. then moved up to about 3/4 of tbl per gal after about 3 days of it getting worse..

after more research it looked to be a possible calcium def so i applied garden lime, although it is still progressing.. as soon as i get my pH meter i will flush and add new nutes. i just know if i do it now it will only get worse without knowing exactly what the pH is

stage one: branches turn purple
stage two: tiny rust brown spots randomly starting at center tip moving through center of bottom oldest fan leaves progressing up. (leaves curling upward)
stage three: brown rust spots taking over most of the bottom leaf, no yellowing around brown spot
stage four: bottom oldest leaves start turning yellow at tips and what also looks like necrosis in center of older leaves.

at this point i cut off the older fan leaves and the set above them are in stage three, i assure you i have looked at every single plant disease pest disease picture and text site, so while appreciated to give a link regarding one of those top sites i have most likely seen it.

i have yet to see a picture to look identical to my problem. it almost seems like a generator problem, none the less i dont have one. any input would be appreciated, i will be doing a flush with foxfarms sledgehammer flush as soon as i get my Hannah pH meter in..

This is my first grow, so apreciate any advice.



Active Member
I would also like to add i have had this issue since week one, and did a flush at week two and the problem still progressing, although have not gotten to yellowing stage yet. so i believe there is something i am missing, which is why i am posting this thread in the hope someone can see what i am missing..

my water temp is also between 72-78 , i know it could be cooler but dont think it should be a big issue as long as i clean ever 2-3 weeks


Active Member
dude, i have a post about this EXACT same problem using the DWC bubbler system...literally the exact same problem with no advice from anyone...mine are almost in week three, and my younger one is just now starting to get the purple branches, so its going to the same fate. every person thats seen the pics said they look healthy, but nute def. no matter how many nutes i give it, nothing seems to help, and i have already flushed twice in the three weeks...if your questions get answered, please share your knowlege.


Active Member
what things have u attempted so far? any epsom salt or dolomite lime (or garden lime) for magnesium or calsium?

or cal-mag?


Active Member
i have tried epsom salt and garden lime, neither of which did shit. at this point, im just hoping that they will survive thru veg stage so that i can start using my maxibloom nutes to see if that helps because obviously our problem isnt easy to fix.


Active Member
what things have u attempted so far? any epsom salt or dolomite lime (or garden lime) for magnesium or calsium?

or cal-mag?
two heads are better that one, so maybe we can figure this out. after hours of research and totally combing these forums, all i can find on our problem are our posts with no answers on them....someone has to have had this problem before.


Active Member
I had this very same problem it turn out i was using the wrong PH down and my PH meter was not calibrated right so my guess is you have a PH problem. Ive added a pic mine looked like yours the pic is when it got worse......


Active Member
As soon as Hannah ph comes in I'm flushing,
Adding in tsp/gal (t/g)

Grow big 3t/g
big bloom 3 t/g
1/4 t/g microbrew
1/4 t/g kangaroots

... Question swampy, have u used any pesticide?


Active Member
so do u have any advice on how to fix it before ours get to that point, and did ur babby in the pic survive?
Also swampy I beleive they will survive might be just a little stunted. I'm still having stead root growth, so plant is still growing


Active Member
Sad to see you're running into problems, I'm growing Ice too though but in soil. Love to see how your smoke is, P.M. the results and if mine make I'll do the same :D


Active Member
Man I just think you guys are over doing it. That seems like a lot of nutes for a youngin
going by foxfarm hydro feed schedule.. i have not had any signs of nute burn , although they are organic, which from my understanding is harder to burn using em, although im sure it might be possible to have one become toxic and lock out other nutes.. once i flush i will do half or 3/4 strength what they call for and go from there?

im going on 3 weeks with this plant, although growth seems kinda slow..


Active Member
I have the same problem I think mine looks more advanced and still no help someone told me that they are underwatered and I have salt build up but they arent underwatered




Active Member
Nigs. I say you guys don't stess, as long as the plant grows, it's gonna be damn fine, soil is quite a bit more forgiving than hydro systems I'd say, but still don't sweat it - as long as the plant is producing internodes at an okay growth rate (my plant starts 1 internode every 2 days but it's hydro) - you're all good. My fan leaves are all nuteburn and a very light green color but the plant has been growing great.


Active Member
so do u have any advice on how to fix it before ours get to that point, and did ur babby in the pic survive?
To fix my problem i flushed them all with PH water (6.0) then trans them to bigger pots and did not give them any nutes for 3 weeks cuz my soil was hot just plain PH 6.0 water will do for now !! after the flush i waited for the pots to go well light before watering agen. i just clicked your not useing soil
so i dont think this info will help you but id say you defo have a PH problem.

mine are now very healthy.......

now that babby looks like this>


Active Member
To fix my problem i flushed them all with PH water (6.0) then trans them to bigger pots and did not give them any nutes for 3 weeks cuz my soil was hot just plain PH 6.0 water will do for now !! after the flush i waited for the pots to go well light before watering agen. i just clicked your not useing soil
so i dont think this info will help you but id say you defo have a PH problem.

mine are now very healthy.......

now that babby looks like this>
View attachment 2107647View attachment 2107648

daymn, those bitches are seeeexy...i hope mine come out to look half that good.


Active Member
could these brown rusty spots come from misting the plants because they look like water drops and where the water settles (hotspots) burning the leave to give this effect not sure but hope it is