Bottom leaves turning yellow and browning


I have 2 Medijuana plants that are growing nicely. However, the bottom leaves are turning yellow and browning.

The plants are under a 1000w HPS system with adequate ventilation, water and temperature control.

They are under the 24 hour light period and are about a week old. They have been potted in Sta-Green, Flower and Vegetable Planting Mix soil, that contains the following ratios: 0.05-0.04-0.03

I added a sprinkle of Happy Frog Organic Jump Start Fertilizer (3-4-3) yesterday.

What am I doing wrong? What should the PH level be for this state?

I am adding 3 photos of the leaves for demonstration.




Active Member
could be a few things. as Max posted it could nute burn. did you use full strength or reduce by at least half the recomended amout on the bottle? BUT also in my experience it could be lacking magnesuim, molibedium(spelling?) and in certain circumstances calcium came play a small roll...its hard to say for sure. is there any more info you can share

as far as ph it varries from species to species, marijane usually likes it anywhere from 5.5-7.5, my current grow shifts from 6.4-6.9 depending on nutes and water supply. i've been using bottled drinking water which is anywhere from 6.9-7.2, instead of tap water in my neighborhood is usually 7.6 and fully of hard water deposites(can build up too high ph if not watched regularly)


Active Member
To touch a little more on the Mag deficiency, you can offset it by adding 1/4 tsp of epsom salts (Magnesium Sulfate) every other watering. I learned that lesson (along with many others) on my first grow.