Bottom leaves dying / turning yellow... 3 week old female plant


Hi all,

Gonna get straight to the point, worried bout my first grow, got a 3 week, female A.M.S. strain and first pair of leaves (1 bladed), not the baby leaves, are becoming yellow and dying off

Rest of the plant and leaves seem ok, just worried other leaves don't follow into their yellow footsteps.

Few days ago I accidentally bent the main stem and heard a crack and saw small slits of damage in the main stem, it didn't break/snap fully though, but the plant was bending sideways and couldn't stand straight up on its own.

After putting 4 paperclips to the base to keep the plant straight it seems to have healed and standing on its own again, but wondering if this trauma is what's causing the first set of leaves to die off.

If they fall off will the plant grow another set of leaves at the same spot ? Remember reading somewhere that the plant replaces damaged fan leaves if cut or something, but I might be mistaken.

It's growing indoors in my bedroom in unfertilized soil, 18/6 cycle and the PH is set at 7, don't really use nutes, might it be nitrogen dificiency ?

Anyways posted pictures of my 3 week old and its bottom leaves, notice it was fimmed last week.

Would also like some comments on the plants size for a 3 week old. Got it growing under a 120W blue spectrum reflector type growlamp, which tend to heat up a lot, maybe should swich to 2x100W CFL.

Figured only 1 plant, wouldnt need to much, but if you guys have any helpfull suggestions on its size, and something that might help me on the long run, pls comment away

Ty all


Jah Bless :weed:

