Bottom leaves drying up and falling off ??

Hey everyone.

This is my very first grow. I'm using a DWC method and have a Blue Mystic from Nirvana growing. It's in it's second week of flowering. I did most of the grow using cfl's and switched to the BlackStar 240w LED light two days ago. The only nutrients that I'm using are Dyna-Grow Bloom. I added some Bud Candy yesterday. I have not trimmed, manicured, topped, fimmed or anything else with this plant. I just noticed tonight that there are some of the bottom leaves that have dried up and fell off, I've also noticed some brand new growth near the bottom. The plant looks healthy as could be, other than the issue of the dead leaves near the bottom. Is this normal ???


Well-Known Member
This is fairly normal, as long as the rest of your plant looks good. Inspect it closely to make sure you don't see any other issues, if not, then its nothing I would get worried about if it were my grow. Just keep an eye on it the next week, but if you've only lost a few lower leaves then thats pretty normal.
Thanks for the reply Hank. I freaked when I seen the dead leaves. This is my first grow so everything has been a learning experience and think the next thing I need to learn before i try for grow 2 is to learn to trim. My plant is really bushy and the entire stalk is covered with branches all the way down to the top of the hydroton. It's only in a 2 inch net pot. Im really surprised the plant lasted this long, i can kill any flower you name !!! This one is actually a success, i just hope i get better at it it quick. this is an expensive hobby to get into lol