bottled water ph level??


Well-Known Member
use whatever you want, you are still going to have to test the ph. reverse osmosis water is usually on the mark as is ionized water (the other benefit to these is the ridiculously low ppm and the lack of minerals), but even with that you need to ph test. when you start using nutes this becomes even more important. bro, I made this mistake in the past and paid for it, test your water every time!!!


Well-Known Member
Use tap water that has sat out a few days or put an airstone in it to expedite the process of evaporating off the chlorine. Or rain water. Bottled water is a JOKE! A racket! A scam! Tap water and rainwater flows freely to its destination, whereas bottled water (millions and millions of gallons of it) is trucked around the country at substantial cost to you AND the environment. And in most cases its no better then tap water. Every time you use bottled water you are also using diesel fuel, because thats how it got to you. And then you also have to deal with the bottle it came in. Do you know what PCB's are? Sorry for the rant, and good luck growing!
Ohh...If you want a inexpensive, accurate PH tester, search for Milwaukee 600 PH. 20$ on ebay. Peace.


Well-Known Member
if you do need to use bottled water though, make sure it says reverse osmosis or ionized on it. if not you are paying like crazy for glorified tap water as stated awesomely above.