Bonsai Bud


Active Member
First of all, this is my first topic post. :hump:I just joined today.
I figured It would be a good idea to join this site to get some advice for my little project. So, hello everyone!

Secondly, the real point of this post.

I've been doing research today on how to clip your plants so they remain short in height while producing maximum buds.
But,I haven't found much on the art of bonsai and how it can be applied specifically to weed.

The basics I've read about so far talk about transplanting the plant into a small container and allowing it's roots to bind, which restricts the growth.
I've heard about wrapping wire around the stems to manipulate the shape.
I've heard about trimming leaves off as well.

What I need to know is more than just the quick basics.
I'm growing my very first crop. 3 are outdoor, and my 4 indoors are in a medium sized compartment which has limited room for growth. it's about 3 or so ft. high.

Can someone please offer specific details on "bonsai"-ing my bud to fit this area? is there a certain angle or shape that I should aim for? how often should I be trimming and in any other way, manipulating my plants?
and approximately how many nugs will I be able to harvest off of my 4 indoors if I bonsai them?

any information would be great.



Well-Known Member
Use the scrog method if you have height problems. Don't put them in a small pot to make them root-bound. You will stress them out. And grow a pure Indica it will grow short and stocky.